All a dream

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I woke up at 9am. The doctor comes in and says " Elizabeth, it is time for your surgery." I look at my phone to see it's 9 am.

"It's only 9." I say. The doctor told me that prep is ready, so we need to go get your surgery done.

I don't remember much from the surgery, but I do remember after it.

I woke up coughing because I couldn't breathe. I feel a tube down my throat and try to pull it out.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Eli wake up!"  Nidal said to me.

I'm open my eyes to see I'm in my house. Lying on my bed.

"Where am I?" I asked, confused. "You'rere at home silly." He said while laughing.

I look down at my phone to see my reading app was open. I was reading a story about a girl named Amy who went through the same thing as me.

I thought *wait that was just a dream* I get out of bed and rush to the bathroom. I look to see if I have any scars and see none. I go back to the room and say, " I had the weirdest dream." I explain the whole thing to Nidal and he sits there, listening to me.

He then reads the book I was reading and told me that was weird. We then go downstairs to talk to my family.



Sorry for the lack of posting I was sick for a few days! I'm getting better so I'll try to update. This was just a. Little story to fill you in but I hope you enjoyed! Also please leave suggestions for the story!!! I need them.

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