Chapter XII

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Average day of Crossdresser!Yn being in Karasu's team:
CD!Yn: I miss her so much
Otoya: Bet she is hot
CD!Yn: I meant my mom, bro. She died... *on the verge of crying*
Karasu and Yukimiya are meanwhile running over with blankets and hot chocolate*

"One more match, and this is done. I am so tired of this." (Y/n) yawned as she got up to take a shower before the rest of the team would wake up.
'I wonder how Isagi's team will do?' Walking out of the bedroom as quietly as possible, (Y/n) closed the door and ran to the shower room.
'That's it for my morning exercise.'
Rushing in, (Y/n) quickly checked all the stalls before she got out of her clothes.

"I am so tired of hiding like this. I want to sleep for longer... Can't believe I am missing home right now." She mumbled to herself when she turned on the water.
'But this gives me some time to be alone with my thoughts and think over this whole Blue lock thing. I am really curious about what they plan on doing with the players who don't make it into the national team. It can't be that they will just be cast aside.' She hummed to herself while glancing at the door from time to time.

'Will they get a chance to play for clubs? As far as I understood, they will only be blacklisted from playing in the national team. And, I really wonder how they got all the money to build this facility and pay everyone. The JFA doesn't care about football, so what's in it for them?'
Turning off the water, she got her towel and dried herself before putting on the clean clothes they got yesterday.

'This whole facility is basically a gamble. Even if they produce a world-class striker, there is no guarantee Japan will win the World Cup.'
"Whatever, it's none of my worries. Why am I getting so worked up over it?" (Y/n) mumbled to herself and yawned while walking back to her room.

"That's the guy everyone is talking about."
"That shorty?"
Tying her laces, (Y/n) looked at her teammates in confusion as they mumbled among each other.
"Who are you two talking about?" She asked as she got off the ground. The two boys looked at her while pointing at a black haired boy.
"Team Y's top scorer, Niko Ikki. It's pretty impressive that someone so young is here."

"So young? How old is he?" (Y/n) wondered as she looked at the boy as well, internally squealing as she took in his appearance.
'He is a baby!! I need to protect him! Please, someone wrap him up in bubble wrap!!' She thought while still keeping a straight face.
"I think 15."
"15?! Wow. It's impressive that he got so far at his age." (Y/n) said in amazement.

With Niko...
"H-hey Niko..."
"I wouldn't want to be in your shoes right now."
"What are you talking about, Okawa, Sato?" Niko asked in a bored manner as the two pointed behind him.
"Of all people who could have noticed you, it had to be him..." Okawa gulped.
"Hakuho's golden boy, (L/n) (Y/n). He is looking at you like he is planning your demise."

At the mention of the older player's name, Niko quickly turned around to look at (Y/n). He was met with a stoic face on her end until she noticed that he was looking back, so she ended up turning away.
"I..." Niko muttered as his eyes slowly widened.
"A moment of silence for our brother."
"He was a good man."
"Calm down, you two." A third party said, but Niko paid them no mind. The boy could feel his heart 6 his face grow warmer at this progress.
'He noticed me! He really noticed me!!' Niko thought to himself as he held back a smile.

One of the main people who, unknowingly influenced him, looked at him. Niko was already excited for the match, seeing as (Y/n) was in the rival team, but it all got 100 times better now that he saw her looking at him.
'I wonder if he will be impressed by my skills. I tried to polish them in hopes that I would play against him one day.' The boy gulped as he watched (Y/n) getting called over by one of her teammates.

Yandere!Blue Lock × Crossdresser!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now