Chapter XVIII

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Crossdresser!Yn during the U-20 match:
Ego: Just assist Rin
CD!Yn: Ok.
During the game...
CD!Yn, sees Rin turn into a ghoul with his literal tongue out*
CD!Yn: My assists deserve better. I am helping someone else..

'I will rip someone's tongue out!!' (Y/n)'s eye twitched as she watched the trio argue over God knows what. Breakfast had ended about 20 minutes ago, and they were now on one of the empty fields to practice. Yukimiya had suggested that they split into two teams of twos, which was a good suggestion, but now they were arguing who would play with who. (Y/n) already wasn't in a good mood with the splitting headache and stomachache, so this arguing didn't do much to help her.

"Alright! Enough!"
The trio stopped arguing, startled by her yell, and looked back at her.
"What's the issue?"
She stared at Otoya in a dumbfounded manner before shaking her head and grabbing one of the footballs.
"Let's split like this. For today's practice, Otoya and I, Karasu and Yukimiya, are a team. Tomorro, Yukimiya, and I, and Karasu and Otoya are a team. And the day after, Karasu and I, Otoya and Yukimiya are a team. That way, all of us can get a grasp of how each other plays."

"Hm? I didn't know you were the captain around here." Yukimiya commented as he fixed his glasses.
"Well, he isn't. So I don't know why we should listen to you." Karasu challenged and looked back at (Y/n). Otoya kept quiet as he excitedly watched what would happen next.
'Finally, a nice fight!'
"If you have a better suggestion, feel free to say it, I don't mind. And, you are right, I am not the captain, but I want to practice just as much as the rest of you." (Y/n) just shrugged her shoulders, surprising the trio with how calm she reacted.
'This... Is this the same Golden boy I heard of?' Karasu blinked in confusion.

'Hmm? Where did all that aggressiveness go that I heard of? So far, he is... normal?' Yukimiya wondered if the midfielder he heard of and the one in front of him were maybe switched or something.
'Maaan... What a party pooper.' Otoya sighed and walked over to where the girl was.
"Alright, alright. We will do it his way, since nobody suggested anything."
"That was quick. I didn't expect you to agree." (Y/n)'s surprised tone caused the boy to look at her in an offended manner.

"Ouch. Words hurt. Anyway, let's play. I don't want to turn into a plant here." Otoya said nonchalantly.
"Let's go then. I don't mind doing it your way... This time." Karasu shrugged, looking back at Yukimiya after saying it.
"Me neither."
'Weren't you the one who started whatever that argument was?!' (Y/n) wondered, looking at the two in disbelief, then looked back at Otoya.
"Alright then. What are your weak areas?"
"What do you mean?" The boy asked as the other two went for a warm-up.

"Well, once I know them. I will know what to avoid when passing to you. Also, we can work on them after this match is over. I already saw snippets of your play during the previous stage, and while it was impressive, I want to see more."
Otoya blushed a little, surprised that she seemed genuine about it. But, he quickly shook his head and looked back at (Y/n).
"Oh? Well, corner kicks sometimes surprise me."
"Anything else?"
Otoya hummed and thought over the question before simply shaking his head.

"I can't think of anything else."
"Alright! I can work with that then!" (Y/n) grinned.
"Let's go and warm up now."
She said as Otoya nodded along and followed after her.
"Weird..." The boy muttered under his breath as he observed her.
'This one is so much different from what I heard. He is also much more talkative... Maybe he really does hate the camera.' The boy thought as he remembered some of the interviews he watched with girl in it. She looked like a fish out of water in those, in Otoya's opinion, at least.

While the duo were warming up and talking, both Yukimiya and Karasu would send them looks from time to time.
"You know, he surprises me a lot. Either he had a change of heart, or he is a good actor." Yukimiya's words shook Karasu out of his thoughts.
"What do you mean?" He wondered.
"(Y/n) over there seems like the least tyrannical captain I ever saw. I honestly expected him to start a full-blown argument with you."

Yandere!Blue Lock × Crossdresser!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now