Chapter XVII

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Short Crossdresser!Yn scenario:
CD!Yn: You know... I love my personal space, you two.
Shidou, hugging her from one side: We know.
Charles, hugging her from the other side: We love your personal space too.
CD!Yn:... this might bey final straw

'How did he figure me out so fast? He didn't even see me often. Is he that smart that he can figure stuff out just by looking at them for a moment? Just who is this guy?' (Y/n) silently observed Ego, who kept quiet as Anri bombarded him with different questions. By now, the girl had already calmed down and kept quiet. The pain she previously felt was completely forgotten for the time being.

"I...uh...." The two adults turned to look at (Y/n), expecting her to answer, but she just shut her mouth and looked down.
"So?" Ego asked again, hoping to finally hear what was going on. He spent a majority of the past few years looking for the girl, only to find out that her adoptive parents were parading her as a boy. He just wanted to understand what was going on.
"Nothing... I have no way to excuse this stunt I pulled... All I can do now is apologize."

"While the apology is nice, we are still confused here. And what are we supposed to do with you now? Abruptly kicking a high ranked player with no explanation will confuse the JFA... Not to mention, you are already in a 4 players team, right?" Anri spoke as (Y/n) nodded along to whatever she said, half of the things being muted to her.
Ego observed (Y/n) silently. He knew there was more to her story. The expression on her face told him enough.

'It's the same one big brother used to have when getting into trouble. She really did take after him a lot when it comes to facial expressions.' Ego bit back a smile and (Y/n) bit her lip nervously, already expecting to hear that she will get kicked out.
"We are keeping her here. This is a secret between the three of us."
"What?!" Anri yelled in disbelief as (Y/n) stared back at Ego, not believing he was actually letting this slide.
'Is this seriously happening? This is unlike the man who he presents himself as.'

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Anri asked worriedly while Ego shrugged his shoulders and leaned back against the chair.
"What harm will it do? If she can push other players to perform better, it is ok in my book."
Anri sighed at the man's simple answer and turned to look at (Y/n).
"Well then, looks like you are staying here. Don't slip up, ok?"
"I won't!" (Y/n) quickly nodded her head and got up from the chair. She was still shaking from everything that had happened, fear and relief mixing together as she looked between the two adults.

"Thank you. Thank you. I will make sure not to cause any issues." She bowed as Ego nodded his head.
"Alright. You are free to go now."
(Y/n) slowly nodded her head but then remembered something.
"Uhm... Teieri-san, can I ask you for a little favor?"
Noticing the embarrassed look and shaky voice on the younger, the woman nodded her head.
"What do you need?"
(Y/n) took in a deep breath and moved closer to Anri, whispering something in her ear.
"Oh? Sure. I think I have a few spare ones. I will buy you a pack tomorrow."

Ego raised an eyebrow at the exchange, confused as to what made (Y/n) so happy to begin with.
'What is even going on?' The man wondered, but didn't say anything as he watched both leave his office.
Ego felt a wave of relief wash over him, enjoying the moment he had alone with himself.
'Finally, after so many years. She seems to really not remember me at all. So, that car crash really did mess with her memory, as I was told. I wonder if she retrieved any memories of her parents.' Ego hummed.

'Now, the next step I need to complete is figure out why she is pretending to be a boy. I am sure it has to be the doing of those 'parents'. After all, (Y/n) was never someone who wished to be a boy. She always said she wanted to play for the women's national team. Pretending to be a guy makes no sense.'

11 years prior...
"(Y/n), your uncle is here!"
Ego smiled as he heard noises from up the stairs after her mother called out for her.
"I told her not to play with that football inside." The woman sighed and went to the kitchen.
"Uncle Jin! Uncle Jin! How was Germany?! Did you speak with Noel?!" The man turned to look at the girl running down the stairs and quickly caught her into into a hug.
"Germany was nice and all, a little too cold for my liking. And yes, I did."

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