Chapter XXIV

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Most normal CD!Yn interaction with Chigiri's sister (u are lying to yourself if you say she isn't the most beautiful):

CD!Yn: Who ate my cake?! I will ki-
Chigiri's sister: I ate it, sorry. I was hungry and-
CD!Yn: Ki-Kiss them! I mean, I wasn't that hungry! Did you like the cake, though? Do you want more? I can order you whatever you want. In fact, I will buy that bakery for you-

Chigiri, watching all of it unfold, knowing he was the one who ate the cake: Why my sister?! Why her?! I am literally here!


It was the next day, the day (Y/n), and her team would be facing the World 5 in less than 20 minutes. While Karasu, Yukimiya, and Aiki were talking among each other in the hallway, (Y/n) had stopped to fix her laces. Otoya, noticing that she had stopped, waited and stared at her.
'Cute.... He looks cuter than any girl I dated so far.' Otoya blushed a little and cleared his throat.

'Don't think like that! Especially about your teammate.' He scolded himself as the girl was celebrating on the inside about the match they were about to have.
'I can't believe we will play against them now! I need to make a great first impression!' (Y/n) smiled excitedly while fixing up her laces, then got off the ground, noticing Otoya staring at her.
"Is something wrong?" She raised an eyebrow. Her words caused Otoya to snap out of his thoughts and look away.

"Fine. Let's go now. The rest is probably waiting on us." The green-eyed boy said as he pointed at the door down the hallway.
"Right. Right. Let's go!" (Y/n) grinned and followed after Otoya.
"I am so excited about this match! Imagine some of the world's best players in one place. We could learn so much from them! Do you think they will teach us a few tricks if we ask?!"
Otoya jumped away a little, surprised by the amount of energy she had so early in the morning. Staring back at her, he noticed a large smile on her face, one he had never really seen before.

"I don't know." Otoya cleared his throat and turned away from her with a red face.
"I hope they do." She pouted and grabbed his wrist, dragging him along.
"Let's hurry up!!"
"Yes, yes. Just stop pulling me so much."

Meanwhile, the rest were waiting for the two while nervously looking at the 5 foreign players across the field. Well, Aiki was more nervous while Karasu and Yukimiya were silently observing them.
'Those are the players (Y/n) kept fawning over? They don't look like much.' Jealousy seeped into Karasu as he stared at the adults, watching as they laughed about something. Sadly, neither of the 3 could catch what they were saying since it was all in English.

"They aren't taking this seriously, are they?" Yukimiya wondered out loud, earning a nod from Aiki.
"Doesn't look like it. They do seem full of themselves a little." The green-eyed boy said as Karasu narrowed his eyes. He didn't like this. He could tell by the way the 5 looked and laughed that they didn't take them seriously, like they were nobodies.
"What the heck? Who do they think they are?" Karasu grumbled as Yukimiya glanced at him for a moment, then smirked as he thought of something.

"Yeah, it sucks." The brunette mused as he leaned back a little.
"Maybe they see us as weak or just some ordinary players. That makes sense. We are nobodies in their eyes."
Karasu's yell caused Aiki to flinch away a little and the foreign players to look at the boy in confusion for a moment before going back to talking.
"See?" Yukimiya snickered as he pointed at the team while ignoring Aiki's pleas to stop whatever he was doing. Karasu observed the 5  foreign players who seemed to be laughing and not caring about their surroundings. Like they weren't even here.

"Whatever. Why should I care?" Karasu rolled his eyes, looking away shortly after.
"It's just a bunch of snobs who are paid to be here."
"A bunch of snobs? The same ones (Y/n) can't stop talking about?" Yukimiya kept his smile as he draped his arm around Karasu's shoulder.
"What if they call him a loser? A nobody? A talentless waste of space? You know how pros are around newbies."

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