Chapter XIV

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As a society, we need to praise Gin Gagamaru more. That boy is just the most loveable teddy bear.

'Maybe this was a mistake. I know literally 0 stuff about either of them.' (Y/n) thought as she put on the red shorts and shirt over the uniform she was given by the staff. The three were brought into a room that had a few chairs around and monitors, showing some empty fields.

'Is nobody playing right now?' (Y/n) wondered as she looked down at her red shirt and then at the sleeve of the uniform.
'Number 4?! Why did I jump up so much? Is this based on who finished first? So, those three guys are way stronger than I am? So there will be more people I will need to compete against to stay here. I am not safe yet.' (Y/n) looked back at Otoya and Karasu, who were talking among each other.

'Maybe I shouldn't be so judgmental right off the bat... I mean, Barou looked scary, and he turned out to be a great guy-'
"Say, ya were a midfielder in your school, right?" Karasu asked as he looked over at her.
"Me? Yeah! Midfielder, and occasionally, I would be on the defense, but not that often. What about you two?" (Y/n) asked as she stayed rooted to her spot.

"Why are you standing like that? Come sit over here." Otoya said as he pointed to the chair next to him.
"We are teammates for now. No need to be shy." The other added in, causing (Y/n) to relax a little as she walked over and took her spot next to Otoya.
"As for me, I play defensive midfielder for the most part. I have good ball control." Karasu said as the green-eyed boy spoke up next.
"Side back or right wing, and I am extremely agile. Also, very fast."
"So, you are a sprinter?" (Y/n) clarified as Otoya thought it over for a moment.

"I wouldn't call myself a sprinter, but I am still pretty fast. People call me Ninja, you know." Otoya stated as he did some weird hand movements. Karasu rolled his eyes at the boy's actions, then turned his attention to (Y/n), who was chuckling at the other's actions.
"What about you? Any special abilities or weapons? But, it's a stupid question considering your reputation."

(Y/n) stopped and looked at the blue-eyed boy. Otoya himself stopped his shenanigans as well to look at (Y/n) in curiosity.
"Well, I am good at analyzing and being tactical on the field. As well as being precise with my shots." She explained simply. Truthfully, throughout the 1st selection, she didn't think much of those so-called weapons. She just wanted to get through it and go to the next phase.
"Nothing else? I expected something more exciting." Otoya spoke up bluntly as Karasu and (Y/n) looked over at him.

"Don't be rude." The blue-eyed boy warned him, but (Y/n) shook her head quickly.
"He wasn't rude, I can understand what he means in a way. A lot of people expect some big answers, but they are simple and short."
The two boys looked at each other in surprise for a moment and then back at (Y/n).
"You are a lot nicer than expected." Otoya stated bluntly as (Y/n) laughed nervously.
"I hear that a lot. But, shouldn't we use this time to think of the strategy for the match?" (Y/n) suggested.
"Alright, strategist, the stage is yours." Karasu said, leaning against his chair.

"Yup!" Otoya cheered as (Y/n) sighed. Not that she was daunting her own abilities, but more in relief.
'Maybe they aren't that bad... It was just very intimidating to look at, at first.'
But, before she could speak up, the doors opened, and in came 3 player (Y/n) never saw before.
"Hmm?" Karasu mumbled as both him and Otoya looked at the newcomers as well.
"That must be the team we will be playing against..." Otoya yawned as (Y/n) silently stared at them.

'They look pretty strong.' While she looked at the three boys, one with blonde hair, one with brown, and the other with black hair, she seemed to have caught the attention of the middle boy. Adjusting his glasses, he looked over at her and smiled.
"Staring is rude."
The girl blushed in embarrassment and bowed her head a little.
"I am so sorry." She quickly said as Karasu and Otoya looked at the boy in a laid-back manner.

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