Shouldve told you sooner

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The night air was crisp as Lily walked alone, her thoughts consumed by the recent argument with Dally. She didn't notice the figure lurking in the shadows until it was too late. A sudden flash of pain erupted in her side as a sharp object pierced her flesh.

Lily gasped, stumbling back as she realized what had happened. A Soc, driven by anger and hate, had attacked her without warning. She tried to scream for help, but her voice caught in her throat as darkness threatened to engulf her.

Minutes passed like hours as Lily lay on the ground, her vision blurring and her strength fading. Then, like a beacon of hope, Dally appeared, his eyes widening in shock and horror as he took in the scene.

"Lily!" he exclaimed, rushing to her side. "Stay with me, doll. Help is on the way."

But Lily could feel herself slipping away, her consciousness fading as she fought to stay awake. Dally's voice was a distant echo as he frantically called for an ambulance, his hands applying pressure to her wound in a desperate attempt to stem the bleeding.

The journey to the hospital was a blur of lights and sirens, Dally's fear and anguish palpable as he held Lily's hand tightly. She could hear his voice, filled with worry and regret, as he pleaded with her to hang on.

Emergency surgery was performed swiftly upon their arrival at the hospital, the medical team working tirelessly to save Lily's life. Hours passed before Dally received any news, each moment dragging on like an eternity.

Finally, the doctor emerged with a solemn expression. "She's stable, but it was touch and go for a while," he informed Dally. "We managed to repair the damage, but she's in a coma."

Dally's heart sank as he processed the news. Lily, the girl he cared for deeply but struggled to express his feelings to, was now fighting for her life in a coma. Guilt gnawed at him as he realized how much he had taken her for granted.

Days turned into weeks as Lily remained unconscious, her life hanging in the balance. Dally spent every moment by her side, pouring his heart out to her in ways he never could when she was awake.

"I love you, Lily," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I should have said it sooner, and I regret every moment I didn't. You're the only one who could ever soften me, and I'm sorry it took this for me to realize it."

Tears welled up in Dally's eyes as he spoke, his words a raw and honest confession of his feelings. He held her hand tightly, willing her to wake up and hear him, to know how much she meant to him.

Weeks turned into months, and still, Lily remained in a coma, unresponsive to the world around her. But deep within the recesses of her mind, she heard Dally's words, felt his love and regret seeping through the barriers of her unconsciousness.

And as Dally continued to pour his heart out to her, Lily clung to his words, finding solace in the fact that even in her darkest hour, she was not alone. Their bond, forged through trials and tribulations, held strong, a testament to the power of love and regret.

Whispers of Tomorrow~ Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now