Chapter 12: Der Angriff

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"How the hell could you have dropped it! That shit was important!" Lagon stepped over to Eros and towered over him. Eros tried to keep a cool demeaner but we could tell he was cracking. Lagon kept whisper screaming to him until Sage walked over. He grabbed the back of Lagon's shirt and pulled him down to the ground.

"Do not speak to him that way do you understand! We helped you find you're fucking museum and this was an honest mistake. The river below flows slowly so it should be easy to recover so stop whining like a baby and man up asshole," Lagons face scrunched up in anger.

"Man up? I can't believe you're telling me to man up," Sage's eyes widen making obvious Lagon had struck a nerve.

"Alright get up asshole. We're going to get your book and then get lost," Ravenna said tapping the guy with her foot to tell him to get up. She had a scowl on her face and watched as Lagon stood up. Taller than her or not she stared daggers at the man who starred them back. With a scoff Lagon walked towards the Evil school and we followed.

The guards, though the sun was pratically up, were no where in sight so we walked down to the Never shore where the mortals were dropped off. According to Jayla. We all stood right out of reach of the river looking out trying to find the book. Or what was left of it at least. With a sigh Eros started taking of his blazer.

"Uh what the hell are you doing?" Sage asked. Eros turned to him with a smile and answered.

"I dropped the book so I shall go get it," He unbutton his maroon button up and his shoes until he was just in his pants. He came over to me and handed me his crown.

"I trust you the most to keep this safe darling?" He asked. I nodded with a small smile and took the crown gently. He returned the smile and turned to the river. He grimaced at the gross look of the river but side out and started walking out.

He kept walking until he was about thigh level and then started looking around. He was out there until he sighed and continued further. We all watched either laughing or smirking at the sight. Eros is known for wanting nothing to do with germs or getting his hands dirty. We all stopped laughing when we heard Eros gasp. He now had the water up to his waist.

"Guys I found it!," He yelled out. We all cheered out and sighed. Eros leaned down in the water, trying to keep his face from getting in the water and pulled out a completely water filled book. He smiled to us and we called out for him to get his ass back over here.

"Don't worry guys I know what I'm -Hrugh!" We all looked as Eros made a noise of discomfort.

"Eros!? What's wrong!?" Sage called out.

"Something got a hold of my le-!" Before he could finish his sentence he was pulled under the water with a scream. We all perked up and looked out trying to look for a silhouette of the thing that got Eros.

"Fuck it," Sage cursed out. He grabbed his round glasses and with his fire he practically flamed them away.

"Sage what the fuck are you doing?" I asked. He didn't answer and just pulled off his jacket dicing into the water.

These dumbasses.

We all waited. Seconds stretched out into minutes and we all looked at each other trying to see if we should go in or not.

Ravenna moved to the front of the shore ready to dive in but it wasn't needed. Sage literally flew out the water holding Eros bridal style. Ravenna smirked up at him as he flapped above us. I let out a sigh and watched as Sage glared down at Eros who just sheepishly smiled at him. Sage sighed and flew back over to the beach side. He dropped down and threw Eros to the ground.