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It had been a week since Valentine's Day, the male staff gathered in the conference room, seated in their usual spots as Michael stood at the front with a whiteboard, "So Phil recruited me to sell these cards, and now I am recruiting you

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It had been a week since Valentine's Day, the male staff gathered in the conference room, seated in their usual spots as Michael stood at the front with a whiteboard, "So Phil recruited me to sell these cards, and now I am recruiting you." He held up a business card.

"Who is this guy again?" Oscar's eyebrows twist.

"Don't worry about Phill. He drives a Corvette. He is doing just fine." Michael waved off Oscar's question. "Okay, calling cards are the wave of the future. These things sell themselves."

"Who uses calling cards anymore?" Ryan muttered.

"You know what, that's a nice attitude, Ryan. I'm just helping you invest in your future, my friend." Michael cocked an eyebrow.

"It sounds like a get-rich-quick scheme," Oscar added, hand raised.

"Yes. Thank you. You will get rich quickly. We all will." Michael beamed.

"Didn't you lose a lot of money on that other investment--the one from the email?" Toby piped up from the back.

"You know what, Toby, when the son of the deposed king of Nigeria emails you directly asking for help, you help." Michael spat. "His father ran the freaking country, okay?" His jaw tightened before he soothed himself with a sigh. "All right. So raise your hand if you want to get rich." He encouraged as Jim and Dwight raised their hands. "All right."

"No." Jim shook his head. "Um, how is this not a pyramid scheme?"

Michael exhaled, "All right, let me explain again. Phil has recruited me and another guy. Now we are getting three people each. The more people that get involved, the more people who are investing, and the more money we're all gonna make." He drew on the whiteboard. "It's not a pyramid scheme."

As he finished speaking, Jim swiftly grabbed the marker from Michael's hand and drew a triangle on the board. "It's not even a scheme, per se, it's..." Michael trailed off before he realized. "I have to go make a call."


It was now the next day at the office, Jim was busy finalizing a sale, and his desire to talk to Isabelle grew stronger. Finally, he mustered the courage to speak up, but before he could, Michael burst into the room, interrupting him with a loud announcement about his birthday, "It's my Birthday!" Michael exclaimed. Jim sighed, realizing the moment had passed.

"Happy birthday, Michael." Pam lifted a smile as she handed over the morning messages.

"Oh, ho, ho." Michael chuckled giddily. "What?" His ears pricked up.

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