Chapter 5

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We ride for hours before stopping by a stream to let the horse rest. Lucien helps me down before moving to the saddle bags Brantley had packed for us. I walk towards the water and splash some on my face to refresh myself. My body is aching from the hard ride.

"Here, love." Lucien hands me a canteen of water. I take a gulp, not wanting to have too much in case we will need it later. "I found Brantley has packed us quite a bit of supplies." He sits next to me handing me some bread. "It is probably best to avoid towns and villages where we can and only stop if we absolutely must."

"I understand. And I don't mind. I will try to keep an eye out for and wild-growing foods whenever we stop to help. Hopefully we won't have to stop for a while to get supplies." I bite into my bread enjoying the soft, fresh texture.

"That's a good idea, my love. We should also keep an eye out for any good hunting grounds. I haven't had to live off the land for a long time, but I am confident it will all come back."

We sit quietly enjoying a small breakfast before moving on. We ride throughout the day, stopping only once the sun starts setting. We find a clearing just off the road in the surrounding woods. Lucien quickly starts a fire to combat the growing cold. He pulls out a couple of blankets, wrapping one around me tightly. He keeps his near me as he prepares a small dinner for us. He heats some water over the fire before adding in some fresh meat and vegetables that were packed.

"Brantley did a good job with the supplies." Lucien muses as he stirs the food. "He packed fresh things for us to eat the first few days, and then some dried meats and other things that keep for later." He smiles fondly.

"He really thought of everything." I smile back. "How long will it take to reach your manor?" I ask softly.

Lucien sighs, stirring the pot again. "If we ride hard like we have been, a couple of days. Three at most. But I am worried we will have to slow down as the weather will be getting worse soon. The further north we go the more temperamental the environment and weather will be."

I nod, staring into the flames of the fire, dancing, and flickering. I get lost in my own thoughts, trying to understand why someone would go to all this trouble for me. I think back over the years, trying to revisit certain times, looking for some clue that would help me work out what the orphanage was going to do with me. why lie to me for so long. What purpose did they have for keeping me there. Who wants me so bad to send werewolves and hunters after me. I feel like I am going around and around in circles in my head. I jump with a start as Lucien holds out a bowl in front of my face.

"Sorry, love, you were deep in thought and didn't seem to hear me. Is everything okay?" he sits down next to me with his own bowl.

"Yeah," I sigh. "Just trying to figure stuff out. I am also a little tired. I had never been on a horse before today." I take a mouthful of the stew he made. "Mmmm, this is good."

"Thanks, love. As for the horse, tomorrow you are going to feel sore, but I will give you a massage to combat that."

"I won't say no to a massage." I grin at him.

We eat in silence, enjoying the sounds of the night. Lucien adds another log to the fire to ensure the fire doesn't die out. He pulls me closer to him, wrapping his arms around me. I snuggle into his warmth as the cold of night falls. We lay down beside the fire, with me closest. He covers us both with the blankets and pulls me close.

"I am somewhat climatised to the cold, but I will make sure to keep you warm. Don't be afraid to wake me if you are cold, I will find something else to wrap us in."

I nod and hum, already feeling sleep taking over me. I hear Lucien chuckle behind me, feeling the vibration through his chest and into my back. Last thing I felt before succumbing was his tender kiss to the back of my neck.

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