Chapter 8

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We were sitting down in the parlour having a light afternoon tea of pastries and an invigorating tea made from hibiscus, rose hips and orange peel among other ingredients when James arrived. We sat for a while longer in the parlour finishing our tea and lightly socialising with him before Lucien guided us back to his office. He led us to the couch and chairs arranged around a small table rather than sitting at his large, opposing desk. I settled next to him on the couch while James sat facing us from one of the chairs.

"Firstly, before we start, I need to update you on what has happened since we last spoke." Lucien tells James before continuing to tell him about the hunters and our theory. James nods along seriously as he listens.

"So, it seems we could have a possible two enemies focused on us. Although I believe they could also be originating from the same place." James says thoughtfully.

"How so?" I ask.

"Well Miss, I don't believe it was a mere coincidence you were in that orphanage. I have yet to confirm this, but I believe you are wanted by someone within the same vampire coven. Someone very high up. And I believe it has something to do with who you are. Once we find out what realm you come from, and who you are the answers will start falling into place."

I shoot a look at Lucien shocked. He grabs my hand and squeezes it reassuringly.

"Have you had any luck on that front?" Lucien asks, turning to face James.

"I am still awaiting the results of a DNA breakdown." He turns to address me, "We drew some blood from you while the Doctor was examining you." I nodded in acknowledgement. "Other than that, I have a team looking back through police and news reports through a number of realms we think may be the one looking for missing children, accidents, and murders from the time before Miss Tamryn was first appeared in the orphanage."

"You have an idea of a few realms I came from?" I look from James to Lucien with hope sparking in my eyes.

"We have a small list." James started.

"With your powers, slow aging, and abilities you are obviously fae of some kind, but with your power, and especially your healing power, that is rarer. That is usually indicates a high fae, possibly royalty." Lucien continues. "But the trouble comes from knowing what sub-genre of fae are you. You are certainly the most powerful I have seen. With a little training you could be unstoppable. We think that is why you were hidden in the orphanage and only given the bare minimum to survive." I frown, confused.

"Being malnourished limits a fae's power. They would have been suppressing you this way since you were a young child." James explains.

I feel my anger raise. They purposely staved me to keep me weak. They also purposely lied to me about ever aspect of my life. My hands clench into fists. i am staring at the table between us when I feel Lucien's hand engulf mine. I look into his eyes.

"We will get our revenge." He says quietly to me. I nod knowing we will. He turns to James, "Any update on the vampires?" he spits the word like having that word in his mouth is offensive.

"We are working on tracking down where this cell is operating from. We are close to finding the facility the 'process the goods'. Once we find that we can make a move."

I feel a shudder run through me. The fact that they look at the children as goods makes me sick.

"I want to help. I know these children. They will trust me." I say, refusing to sit back and do nothing. "I want to come with you when you find it."

"Tamryn, love, no." Lucien turns to me, holding both my hands. "It is too dangerous."

"I promised them Lucien. Plus leaving me behind is not safe either. They are probably waiting for an opportunity to grab me; it would be giving them the chance."

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