S1.02 The Fastest Man Alive Part 2

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Location: CCPD

Y/n was in his lab walking to his table that had his notes from his tests results. When Y/n arrived to the table, Joe came in the lab with some files in his hand that he wanted to give to Y/n. But, Y/n thought Joe came up to him to yell some more about their fight from last night. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case, Joe got called about Simon Stagg head of security death and he had some evidence for Y/n to look at.   

Y/n: "Come to yell at me again?"

Joe: "Simon Stagg's head of security was murdered last night. The coroner took some skin samples. Hopefully they belong to the killer. See if you can find a match."

Y/n: "Can't be a coincidence that Stagg's benefit was attacked last night."

Joe: "Yeah, I know. Right now I'm going to interview Stagg about it."

Y/n: "I'll come with you."

Joe: "Your job is in here. Stay in here and do it."

After, they finished talking, Joe started exiting the lab where Iris was starting to enter the lab and hear her dad and brother arguing about something again. Joe and Iris gave each other a kiss on the cheek while, Y/n went over to his computer and stated testing the skin samples they got from the dead body. Iris was wondering what her dad and brother were fighting about so she asked Y/n about it.

Iris: "Why is my dad mad at you?"

Y/n: "Work stuff."

Iris was quiet for awhile and Y/n was wondering why she was being so quiet. So, Y/n turned around and saw she was mad at him as well and Y/n was lost on why she was mad with him. 

Y/n: "Why are you mad at me?"

Iris: "You were supposed to meet me at Jitters to give some scientific background for my article is Mike couldn't."

Y/n: "*Sigh* And I didn't show up."

Iris: "And now I have to come up with a new article topic in 24 hours or I fail the assignment."

Y/n removed his gloves and walked over to Iris and tried to apologizes to her about it. But,  Iris stopped before he could because, she knows at he is but she wants to know what is wrong with him. Because, since he woke up from the coma, Y/n has forgotten a lot of stuff he promise Iris he would help her out with.

Y/n: "Iris-"

Iris: "Don't say your sorry. Okay, I know that you are. What I don't know is what is going on with you. We grew up one bedroom down from each other. Do you honestly think that I don't know when your happy? Or sad or depressed or lost? I'm gonna ask you one last time ,Y/n Allen, and you better be honest with me. What the--"

Iris was opening her packet of sugar for her coffee that she brought in with her. Iris than started pouring in her coffee but, Y/n used his speed and going to spot from spot while talking with Iris so he could let out some stress and get a clear mind as well. 

Y/n: "You want to know what's happening. I'm fast now. God, I just want to tell you. I want to tell you how I am saving so many people out in the city. But I can't."

After, Y/n was done running, he ran back to his spot where he was before running around the room and once everything went back to normal speed Iris was able to finish her question.

Iris: "Hell is going on with you?"

Before Y/n could answer her, his computer beeped letting him know that the test he had for the skin samples was done. Y/n turned around to his computer and started looking at the results. While, Y/n was looking at the test results, Iris wasn't done talking with him about what is wrong with him. Y/n was shocked by the test results because, they were showing Y/n something impossible about the murderer.  

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