S1:03 Things You Can't Outrun Part 2

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S.T.A.R Labs

It has been a few hours since the judge was killed in the mall and Y/n was still knocked out as well. A few more seconds go by, and Y/n was starting to wake up from his "nap" and when he did, he saw that the top half of his suit was unzipped and had sensors/wires hooked up to him. He looked up and saw Cisco and Mon-el smiling and happy to see their friend still alive and kicking. 

Cisco: "The Streak lives."

Mon-el: "Dude, you gave us a freaking heart attack. But, glad to see you're alright though man, I don't know what I would tell Iris and Joe if you died." 

Y/n looked over to Caitlin who had a serious face because she was also worried about her new friend and wasn't ready to lose him either like she lost Ronnie. 

Caitlin: "You'd be dead if your lung cells didn't regenerate so quickly."

Y/n: "My chest feels like that one time I had a cigarette." 

Everyone was confused/shocked by what Y/n just said because he didn't look like the kind of guy would smoke. 

Mon-el: "Wait back up... You smoked a cigarette?"

Y/n: "Yeah, teen me lived for danger."

Both Mon-el and Cisco laughed a little bit and they weren't the only ones. Y/n also started smiling a little while removing the sensors from his chest. Caitlin was the only one who wasn't laughing because she couldn't believe that they found this to be funny.

Caitlin: "This isn't funny. You could've--"

Y/n: "I didn't."

Before Caitlin or anyone else could say anything, Wells started speaking from computer where he was analyzing the gas, but it would take a while before they would get any information about the meta.

Wells: "Now that we have a sample, we'll get to work analyzing it, figure out the makeup of the poison, maybe get a clue as to his human identity." 

Cisco: "Or at least a way to stop him from turning into a mist. The Mist. Okay, that's his name. End of discussion." 

Mon-el: "Love the name but not really the best time to bring that up man."

Y/n was sitting on his bed thinking about what to do now and he knew that he had to go and talk with Joe about the meta and to keep people away from him. But Wells wanted Y/n to rest but, Y/n wasn't and still got up from the bed and started walking.

Y/n: "I gotta go back to the station."

Wells: "You should be resting."

Mon-el: "He's right man. You think it's a good idea to go to the station right now?"

Y/n: "Yeah it is. I have to talk with Joe and we need to warn them about this meta."

Mon-el gave him a nod and went to the other room to get Y/n clothes that he left here in case. Mon-el then threw Y/n his backpack of clothes and Y/n used his speed to change into them and put his suit in the bag as well. Wells was little mad that Y/n didn't listen to him but, he couldn't do anything about it though. Then both Mon-el and Y/n left the cortex and started making their way to the CCPD to talk with Joe. 

Y/n and Mon-el entered Y/n lab to talk with Joe who was looking over some files about the judge that the meta killed in the mall earlier that day. Y/n was little mad that he wasn't able to save the judge and that he let the meta escape as well. 

Y/n: "Joe. I had him. The meta-human. We were wrong. He's not controlling airborne toxins. He can literally transform himself into poison gas."

Joe: "That's new. The victim was a judge. We're going through some of her old cases to see if there's a connection."

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