A/N: Announcement

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Hey guys! I hope you guys are enjoying the new chapter. I wanted to let you guys know that me and another good friend of mine who is also a writer want to open a discord server for you guys and for their readers as well. I believe all of you know my friend and its @Haizlena. We want to open this discord server because we want your guy's feedback. You guys will be able to vote on polls there, suggestions on books you the readers would like for us to write later down the road, you can also dm us if you have any questions, any suggestions on what you want to see in the books, fanart, you guys will also see update about the books we are writing as well and where you guys can talk with each other as well. What do you guys think? Is it something you guys would be interested in and want to join as well? Let me or @Haizlena know in our comments and announcements as well. 

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