S1:03 Things You Can't Outrun

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Y/n: "It doesn't matter if you're the slowest kid in gym class or the fastest man alive. Every one of us is running."

Y/n was seen running around Central City late at night just looking out for the city to make sure there was no crime. 

Y/n: "Being alive means running-- running from something, running to something or someone

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Y/n: "Being alive means running-- running from something, running to something or someone. And no matter how fast you are, there's some things you can't outrun. There are some things that always manage to catch up to you."

The scene switches over to the Central City movie theater where Iris, Mon-el, and Y/n were exiting after watching a movie all together. That first it was just gonna be Iris and Mon-el but, Iris invited Y/n to come with them. Y/n was trying to deny coming because, he knew that Mon-el wanted to treat this like a date between them two. But Iris forced him to with them and now all three of them were exiting together. Mon-el wasn't mad with Y/n because he saw Iris forcing his hand and he had no choice but to go with them. 

Y/n: "Regular movie scale, that was a seven or an eight. Zombie movie scale, it was, like, a four, tops." 

Mon-el: "Wait there's a zombie movie scale?"

Iris: "I was just about to ask him the same question Mike."

Y/n: "Did you guys know that zombies exist in nature? There's a species of fungi that infects ants, causing the ants to attack plants that can release spores which in turn infect into new hosts."

Y/n looked over to Iris and Mon-el who were looking at him weird, but they also had a smile because no matter what Y/n does, he can always a put smile on their faces when they are feeling down. But Y/n also noticed that he was going full nerd once again with them. 

Y/n: "I'm going full nerd again, aren't I?" 

Iris: "Yep."

Mon-el: "Oh big time man."

Y/n: "Yeah." 

Iris: "It's okay though. You are still the cutest nerd that I know."

Mon-el: "I wouldn't say cutest, but you are a badass nerd man."

While they were walking down the sidewalk, Iris brought up a topic that Y/n and Mon-el have been dealing with her here recently. And that was the Streak aka Y/n the fastest man alive, Y/n and Mon-el always try to change the subject or tell her that the Streak doesn't exist. But Iris is stubborn and believes that the Streak is real and it out there saving people. 

Iris: "Anyways, I'm a lot more interested in the amazing as of late."

Mon-el: "You mean cause of this Streak thing?" 

Iris: "You guys still don't believe me. Look he's out there. People are talking about him."

Y/n: "Okay first how do you even know he's a he? Maybe it's a she."

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