05| reunion and "YOU?"

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*not edited*
Yaadon, ke purane
Album mein
Chupake rakhe Hai
Humne woh din
Rahul went to pick the food which he was asked to do. And Neha went to the registration office to submit the documents.

Neha after going there didn't find anyone. Like there were particular desks and each person was doing different works. So the one who will take the documents is not here.

She was asked to wait in the waiting room.

After the encounter which I had with THE KL RAHUL. I came straight towards the registration office for the purpose for which I am here. After going there I was informed that the person who is going to take the documents is not here. He is in a work and will come soon. So I was asked to wait in the waiting room.

I was currently sitting in the waiting room. Roaming my eyes all around the room. This room has changed a lot. Not only this room but the whole office is changed.

'Of course it's been 16 years' my subconscious mind told me.

I have came here several times before. But still I feel like I am first time coming here.

Oh! Now a question will arise that how can I come here several times.
The answer for this question is very simple- my father who has left us a long time ago used to be the team manager for the Indian men's cricket team once upon a time.

Me and Nidhi we both had a really good bond with the players. They were like our elder brothers and to them we were their little sisters.

I don't know if they still remembered us but I can assure everyone that me and Nidhi we both still respect them and love them just like the old times. Even mumma also admires them. Mumma also had a very good bond with them. They used to come to our house whenever they got time, just to eat mumma's handmade food.

But, now all this are memories. Nishant doesn't know this things.

He doesn't know anything clearly that is regarding papa. It has always been a sensitive topic for Nish. He was not even born when papa left us. He was born just after two months of Papa's death. When he was a toddler it wasn't difficult for us to handle him. But soon after he started going to school, he started to ask us about papa. And every time he would ask it, we used to say that papa is working abroad and is very busy so can't come to meet us. And he would beleive it. I used to notice whenever Nish used to ask this mumma's eyes used to get moisty. Nidhi also used to tear up. But I can't even blame Nish also. After all, he was just a kid who used to wonder about his father's existence. After a point he got to understand that something is wrong. When he was 11, he once came to us, mumma was teaching us. He came and without any nonsense he asked "mumma tell me the truth, where is my father? I know one's father can't be abroad for this much time and is so busy that he didn't even called us for a single time". That was the time when mumma came out to him. And the way he cried still haunts me.

Okay let's leave it because it is making me emotional.

Just when I shrugged of my emotional thoughts, a group of laughter captured my ears. When I turned to find the group, I was a little shocked to see the ICT or should I say my once brothers. They came into the room and when they spotted me they stopped laughing.

Oh how I wish my lovely brothers to laugh always. 

They looked at me with furrowed eyebrows as if I am being scrutinized. I smiled a little. Then they moved forward and sat down on the seats. Some infront of me and some beside me. And to be specifically mentioned KL Rahul is sitting at the left side of mine and Md. Siraj on my right side and me being a middle man between two friends.

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