09| tere sang yaara

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*a random question, guys do you like Ishman/Shubish? Bcos i am a hardcore Ishman shipper 🤭*

"I am pregnant" Nisha said.

Nisha Prajapati was the sister of Kunj and used to be Neha's bestfriend.

Neha and Nisha were very close to each other. They met when they were in class nine. Neha has been a studious kid from the very beginning whereas Nisha was an average kid.

This thing never came in between their friendship.

They got enrolled in same college. Both of them focused in their studies.

Neha after graduating with the LLB degree did LLM in another best university after then joined a law firm and worked hard and took cases she got success in all the cases she took.

On the other hand Nisha after graduating with both the degree went to London. Neha also wanted to go but her family could not afford that.

One thing everyone should know is that Kunj and Nisha belongs from a wealthy family.

After going to London she started going to clubbing and all. Nisha was never into those things but bad things attract you the most.

One night when she went clubbing with her so called friends they told her to try a drink and after trying that she got so much intoxicated and got intimate with someone.

When she woke up the next morning, she found herself bare and alone in a hotel room.

After a week or two she found out that she was pregnant and that is when she decided to come back to India.

After coming back to India she told everything to her family and Neha.

Her family was initially against her but eventually accepted. And Neha as a very good friend was with her from the start only.

When she was five months pregnant she found out that she had some complications with this pregnancy. She didn't tell anyone anything.

After that when she gave birth to Naisha she lost her life due to internal blood loss.

[A/n-Please guys adjust yourself with this little flashback because I don't know how to explain all the things ;)]

End of flashback.

"That is why di gets sad whenever someone asks her this question" Nidhi added before ending the story.

Everyone was feeling very bad. They were feeling sad for Naisha.

"God must have taken away her one mother but she rewarded her with another" Ritika said before taking the baby in her arms.


On the other hand.

Rahul heard everything and he genuinely felt bad for Neha and especially for Naisha.

He glanced at the other side of the hall where he saw Neha standing, looking at something on her phone.

And unknowingly his feet took him towards Neha.

When he reached near her he saw Neha crying. He hesitated to call her but when Neha felt someone's presence she looked up from her phone.

And as soon as she saw Rahul standing she started wiping her tears and switched off her phone.

Neha somehow forced a smile and mouthed a small "hi".

Rahul also greeted her back by saying "hello, I hope I am not disturbing you".

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