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I walked down the halls of my school, my brother Jake on one side, and my girlfriend Dani on the other. Looking around, taking it all in. The laughter, the talking, the hormones and anxiety. I couldn't wait until I was finally out of here.

"So. Two weeks in. You guys think this year will be any better than the last?" Jake spoke out as we walked.

"Hey now, last year wasn't all bad. I convinced Dani to transfer schools. And where would we be without her?" I squeezed her hand as we smiled at each other.

"We both know you would've been a cheerleader. And then where would that leave me?" He said as we passed by a group of cheerleaders, giggling with each other and smiling.

It was only our second week of junior year and everyone had already managed to find their own cliques again. Don't get me wrong, I completely see the attraction to being in a group. Being able to fit in. Everyone in my family says they expected me to be one of those girls. Super stuck up and all that. I might have been, and I almost was my freshman year. But I couldn't convince Jake to be a cheerleader with me.

I looked up as the first bell rang, signaling that homeroom was starting and snapping me out of my thoughts.

"See ya at lunch." Jake said, turning the corner and heading to his homeroom. I pulled Dani along, leading her to ours down the opposite hall.

Some of the last to enter, we quickly headed for our seats in the back of class.

"I'm surprised there haven't been any new kids yet. They usually show up in the first week." Dani said as our teacher, Ms. Sinker, opened the door. She was speaking to someone outside, but I couldn't see who.

"I'm not. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't even get a new kid this year. It is our junior year. Plus, no one really wants to go here. Northwall High's not the best school out there." I countered.

"Well, yeah, I guess so. But it's just a regular high school. Except you're here. So that makes it much better, and obviously the only reason anyone would come here."

"Oh stop..." I hated when she did that. Well, not really. I loved when she complimented me. But I hated the way it made me red. I don't normally turn red, but she always found a way to do it.

"Emily, Danielle. If you two are done with your conversation, I could introduce our new student." Ms. Sinker remarked, disdain clear in her voice. Ugh. She looked and smelled like a rotting carcass. But hey, a new kid. I guess Dani was right.

Rolling our eyes, we turned in our seats and faced the front.

A tall, blonde girl stood there. She had on a black v-neck, black skinny jeans, and black knee high boots that perfectly complemented her red suspenders and glasses. Nice touch. She looked great. Not your average pretty girl, but there was something interesting about the way she stood. A little bit nervous, it didn't suit her height at all. But I guess it's normal for new students.

"This is Ryleigh. She just got in from out of state and she'll be joining our homeroom. So please, make her feel welcome." Her pale, white skin turned red. Aw, how cute. A shy one. "Ryleigh, you can have a seat right next to Jasmine."

"Okay." She said, practically whispering. She walked quickly and sat down, two seats ahead of mine.

I looked over at Dani who was busy chipping away at her purple nail polish, something she did when she was annoyed.

"Hey, what's the matter?" I whispered to her.

"Nothing." Well, alright.

"I'll find out."

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