Chapter 15

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"I'm sorry, I should go." I can't believe this.

"Jake, wait." I tried heading for the door, but he made it before me, blocking the exit.

"Gabriel, c'mon."

"Jake just... I'm sorry. Okay? I didn't mean to push that hard. I'm sorry."

"Its not your fault. You didn't know, this isn't your fault. Just... it's late. I really should be getting home." I had managed to stop crying, now just wiping at my eyes. I'm sure I look awful right now.

"Jake, how are you planning on getting home? You're not walking that far."

"It can't be that far. I'll be fine, I've done enough."

"You haven't done anything wrong. Don't blame yourself for this, I'm the one that kept pushing. Please just... stay? At least until you've calmed down. We can play video games. Or watch a movie, whatever you want. It'll help."

"Gabriel... please." I said, barely above a whisper. I just... I can't stay. Not after that. I looked up and he looked sad. Awesome, now I've probably offended him or something. Fuck, I'm such an idiot.

"Okay. At least let me drive you back?"

I nodded, and he gave me a small smile. This day turned to hell very quickly.


Great. This is just perfect, now everyone's pissed. Where the hell is Jake? As I pulled my phone out it started to ring. Ryleigh.

"Hey." I answered, trying not to sound as upset as I was. It's been a long day, maybe talking to her will help.

"Hey. Uhh, sorry to bother you."

"No, trust me you aren't bothering me at all. One of the few people who I can still tolerate. What's up?"

"Well, I was gonna ask about the homework we got, but are you okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. What homework was it?"

"Okay... well it was-"

"Actually, sorry. Do you think you could come over? It'd be easier to help like that anyway, right?"

"Uhh, sure. Yeah no problem. Give me like, fifteen minutes."

"Thanks. I'll see ya." I hung up the phone and tossed it to the side.

I could've just answered her question over the phone. But... I don't know. I don't know where Jake is, or if he's even coming home. But I need somebody here. So, Ryleigh will have to do.


We drove in silence for about five minutes. Awkward silence that I was trying to avoid all day. And I ruined it.

"Are you okay?" He broke the silence with that.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"No, really. Are you okay? You kinda... went off earlier. And I don't know what happened really, but it was my fault for pushing. Sorry."

"No, honestly you didn't do anything. I'll be fine, I just got a little carried away. But I'll be good, I'll still be at the party."

"I don't believe you. But fine, we're here anyway."

As we pulled up to my house, I saw Dani sitting on the porch.

"What the hell?"


I got out and started walking over, and she noticed me.

"There you are! What the hell, Jake?"

"Uhh. Hi? What are you doing here?"

"Not fixing things with Emily, apparently. You said we could talk after school, where were you?" Shit. I completely forgot about that.

"Oh yeah, sorry. I got sidetracked, it completely slipper my mind. Did... did Emily tell you to come over?"

"No, actually. Your mom did."

"My mom?"

"Yeah. I found it odd, too. But now I feel like I was just led here to get embarrassed. Of course this all couldve been avoided. If you would have just listened to me and talked to me after school!" She stood up, looking angrier by the second. Is this my fault now?

"I had nothing to do with this Dani. And I'm really not in the mood, I just-"

"You're not in the mood? How do you think I feel? I came over thinking she was ready to talk and work things out, but instead I get yelled at and thrown out!"

"So you take it out on me? How does that make any sense? I never did anything to you, I left you to your business. You're the one that decided it was a good idea to visit their ex."

"I... whatever." She started to walk away, but stopped and rolled her eyes. "You have got to be joking."

I turned around and saw Ryleigh standing next to Gabriel. Why was he still here? What was she doing here?


Where was she? She doesn't live that far away, she should've been here by now. Ugh, unless my mom scared her off.

I don't think I was being too hard, I'm right. She can't make up for years of neglect by just saying sorry.

Alright. I should go make sure my mom isn't actually scaring her away.

As I walked down the stairs, I could hear people talking. Or rather... yelling?

"...decided to visit their ex." That sounds like Jake. Who's he yelling at? It can't be Ryleigh, that wouldn't make any sense.

I made it down and could see out the window. Gabriel and Ryleigh were stood next to his car. Oh man, was he yelling at them? What could've happened?

I opened the front door and saw... not quite what I was expecting.

Jake stood at the bottom of the stairs, Dani in front of him looking full of anger. Why was she still here?

"Emily! Perfect, is this why you broke up with me? For... for that? You've got to be joking, right?"

"Wha- Dani, what are you doing? I told you to leave." I walked past Jake and right up to her.

"That's not what I asked Emily, is she why you broke up with me? She is, isn't she? God, I just can't believe you sometimes! I should've never listened to your mom, all she did was-"

"She has nothing to do with it! Frankly, I'm glad she called you over because it seems like the both of us really needed to go through this. You really can't just accept the fact that you messed up? Seriously, you're trying this hard to find any other excuse? Give it a rest, this all just happened today and you're not even letting me think! I invited Ryleigh over become I knew she wouldn't be the asshole that just yells and brings up dumb shit like this! Also because Jake wasn't here, and if I just wanted to talk, then I think deserve to talk to someone. I broke up with you for a different reason, but we can add this to the list. You're selfish and self-obsessed. Leave me alone Dani."

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