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"Oh my god, I think Jake made a friend." I said to Ryleigh over the phone. I could hear her laughing on the other end.

"Does he not have other friends? Why is this so shocking for you?"

"Well, no actually he doesn't. Don't know if you've noticed, but I'm one of the only two people he's spoken to since you've been here. It's usually been just me and him. And Dani, of course. And now you. He doesn't usually want to do anything other than stay in and sleep or play video games, and he's also pretty shy."

"Well, then this should be a good thing for him, right? Maybe don't make fun of him."

"I have to, I'm his sister. Besides, it's all in good fun. But anyway, are you feeling okay? You weren't at school."

"Oh yeah. I'm alright, I just had to help my parents finish unpacking, so they said I could stay home."

"Ah. Well lucky you."

"Yeah. Did I miss anything important?"

"I don't think so. Jake's still got a huge crush on the same boy and me and Dani and are still together. So no, nothing new."

"Why aren't you with Dani now? Feels like you two are always together." She said, and I swear I heard a hint of jealousy. But probably not, she likes Jake.

"She said she had something to do after school so she couldn't come over. But you could, if you want. I'm not doing anything else, since Jake left me to go be social."

There was a long pause before I got an answer.

"Sure. I'll just let my parents know and I'll be on my way."

"Great, I'll be waiting."

I got up from the couch and went up to my room to change out of my school clothes. Hmm, school.

I wish I saw more of Dani today. She was really busy, more so than usual. Especially for the beginning of the school year.

I hope everything's alright with her, she hasn't told me otherwise. Unless... is it because I changed my mind about the sex? No, she wouldn't start acting like this because of that. She didn't even want to until today.

The front door opening and closing snapped me from my thoughts. She couldn't have gotten here that quickly, right? It could be Jake, but he said he was going out tonight. Wow. That felt really weird to think about. Who else could it be?

I walked downstairs and froze at the bottom as we made eye contact. She's back.

"Emily! Oh dear, I didn't think you'd be up right now."

"Mother. I just got out of school, why would I be asleep?"

"Oh, did you? Well, it is getting darker so much earlier, lately."

"Right. Well, I guess you can forget your kids schedules when you've been gone for... what, two months?"

"Only one. Seriously Emily, I thought you'd be happier to see your mother after all this time." Ugh. I rolled my eyes and headed towards the kitchen. I can't believe this, I thought she'd be gone longer.

"Is Jake upstairs? Tell him to come down."

"He's not here. He's at a friends house, and honestly I wish I was there, too." I walked past her and started to walk up the stairs.

"Emily Rae! Where are you going?"

"Up to my room. Is that a problem, now? Or should I stay down here so we can sit in silence until you leave agian?" She went silent as she walked away towards the kitchen. Like I thought.

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