Chapter 14

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I'm at his house. In his room. This is... this is fine. Just don't make it awkward.

"So Jake, are you hungry? I'm pretty hungry, haven't really eaten since... well lunch."

"Oh, uhh yeah I guess I could eat."

"Cool. Well, my parents are out of town for the next couple days, so tell me what you want. I'm not the best cook, but I'm pretty decent at it."

"You're gonna cook? No, it's fine. We can order something if you want."

"Ouch. Don't think I can cook?"

"Wha- no. No, that's not what I meant. I'm just... you don't have to go through the trouble, is all. I'm sure you're a great cook."

"Uh huh. Anyway, I'm gonna cook. Besides, it's no trouble. I enjoy it."


"Yeah? You don't like cooking?" We started walking down towards his kitchen.

"I mean, the most cooking I've done is like... a sandwich. Maybe some scrambled eggs at one point?"

"You're kidding."

"Nope. I've been meaning to like, learn new stuff. I just never got around to it, I guess."

"That's insane. You're insane. What about like... when you get a girlfriend. You won't cook for her?" That caught me off guard, coughing as he finished his sentence. Shit, I almost forgot about that.

"Uhh... well that's why I wanted to learn. It was... nevermind. I uhh... we shouldn't get into that." Didn't expect to be thinking about my past around him, but here we are. Hopefully, he gets the hint and drops it.

"Oh. Sorry, didn't realize that was... what happened?"

We finally made it to the kitchen and it was very nicely set up. He walked over and sat himself on the counter, looking over at me expectantly. I guess he wants an answer.

"I just... I got out of a pretty bad relationship not too long ago. She was always complaining about how I didnt do enough, or whatever. I don't know, its nothing big."

"Are you sure? You can talk about it if you want. I'm not gonna judge or anything." He gave me a small smile and dammit, I can't say no.

"Well..  it's dumb. I was gonna try and surprise her with a home cooked meal. Nothing major, but just enough to show I put in some effort, ya know? I cared. And she... didn't show up."

"Oh. Wow. Jake, that must've-"

"Which wasn't that big a deal I guess. She said she was busy, fine. Its whatever, I didn't think much of it. So we rescheduled, I prepared everything again. And again she didn't show up. And again."


"And I guess it's my fault, right? I mean, after three failed attempts, any normal person would've realized something was wrong. And I guess I did. But I just didn't do anything about. And then when I thought everything was going okay, she told me it wasn't. Not for a while, that I just wasn't putting in as much effort as I should have. And apparently she had been... she was seeing someone else. So she ended it and-"

"Jake!" I looked up, seeing Gabriel now standing in front of me. Shit. I fucked up.

"Uhh... sorry. Heh, guess I kinda... sorry."

"You're crying."



I finally got her to leave. What the hell was she thinking? What the hell was my mom thinking?

"Emily, what happened?"

"Why would you do that?"

"Well I-"

"What made you think that was okay? Without even telling me? I told you that she was the problem and you invite her over?"

"Well I just thought that-"

"No mom, you didn't think. That's the problem, that's always the problem. You didn't think about how this would affect me. You just... I don't even know what you were trying to do."

"I was trying to help. You were upset, I thought she would help. I know I've never been able to help before, but this was me trying."

"Really? Why the sudden change of heart?"

"It isn't sudden. Being gone from the two of you for so long, it gave me time to think. And I know that I haven't been the best mom, but I am trying to fix that. I'm sorry that this didnt work out, I didn't realize how bad it was."

"You're serious?"

"Yes Emily. I know I haven't been the best mother. And I still don't exactly... agree with you and your brothers decision. But I don't like that it's essentially pushing the two of you away. So I'm trying. I need you to meet me halfway on this, just give me some time. Alright?"

"I... no." She looked at me, confused.


"No. No, you don't get to just suddenly start acting like you care. After years of not caring, you don't get to just act like those years never happened. They happened. And they have consequences. You aren't some awesome mom all of a sudden becuase you thought calling my ex-girlfriend would be a good idea! Without even talking to me about it! You're still avoiding the problems, I told you I was upset with her. So instead of talking to me and asking me what was wrong, you told her to come talk to me instead. So no, mom. I... appreciate the gesture. But all is not forgiven."

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