Chapter 11

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"So is Emily gonna be okay? She seemed really upset." Me and Gabriel were sat in our English class, waiting for the teacher to get back.

During lunch, Emily pulled me to the side and told me about her talk with Dani.

"I hope so. She... okay just, don't tell her I told you this, alright? She'd kill me."

"Yeah, of course." He turned to face me, leaning closer and whispering. He's never been this close before. It's kind of comforting. And unnerving.

"Right. Uhh... so, her and Dani broke up right before lunch."

"What? Oh my god, that's awful."

"Yeah. I wish it hadn't happened during school, I can't imagine what she's going through. Well... actually I can. And it's not fun."

"Damn. Well, I guess I can convince Frank to reschedule the party for another week."

"What? Why would you reschedule?" He looked at me, eyes wide as if he just realized what he said.

"Oh. No, I just thought that since that happened... well I just assumed you guys weren't gonna make it."

"Well, she actually made it a point to me that we were still going. Said that getting out of the house would help get her mind off of things." He smiled again and laughed quietly to himself.

"Oh, okay cool. That's awesome. I mean... not awesome like what happened. Awesome that you guys are still coming." Fuck. He's adorable as all hell. And I still haven't even told him I like him. Doubt I ever will, it's not like he'll like me back.

"So... what was all that about back in the cafeteria?"

"What do you mean? I just told you."

"No, you and Frank. And don't tell me it was nothing, I've been friends with him longer than I can remember. I know when somethings up." Shit. What am I supposed to say?

"Oh, that? That was just... we were just messing around. It was nothing serious."

"Jake. You're lying."

"No. I'm just telling you what happened. We've been hanging out more, we were just joking around. I swear, I wouldn't lie to you." From this point forward.

"Uh huh. Fine, I'll forgive you for lying. Only because you're gonna be at the party tomorrow. And we can't have us being mad at each other, you are coming to my house afterall." Shit. His house. His party. I havent even thought of anything to wear yet, or my hair or anything. What time does it even start?

"And it's gonna start around 7 or 8. Don't be late alright?"

"Wouldn't dream of it."


"Are you okay?" Ryleigh was walking beside me to my next class.

"No. But I will be, so don't worry about it, okay? You're gonna be late for class if you keep walking with me, so you should get going."

"Alright. I'll see you after school?"

"Sure." She turned around to head to her class, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Was I doing the right thing? I think so, she was the one in the wrong here. I didn't do anything bad, she lied. She was making excuses. But... I still feel like I made the wrong decision.

"Emily? Hey, wait up a sec." I turned and saw Jasmine running up to me. Why?

"Uhh... hi. What's up?" I slowed my pace so she could catch up.

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay. Frank told me about lunch, said you seemed really upset." Why would Frank care? This probably has something to do with Jake.

"He told you to come check on me? He really doesn't seem like the type to do that. No offense."

"None taken, and he didn't tell me to check on you. I just saw you walking in the hall and figured I should ask. He didn't really tell me anything actually, just that you pulled Jake away and you seemed like you were gonna kill someone."

"Yeah. Yeah, that sounds right." She grabbed my arm and pulled me back, stopping me from going further.

"C'mon. You need a break."

"What? We can't just leave, we have like two classes left."

"Sure you can, we're only going to the library. Trust me, we won't get in trouble. Okay?" She gave me a smile which seemed genuine enough. But this made zero sense.

Why was she trying to help me? I have spoken to her maybe... three times since freshman year.

"Look. I get that you and your boyfriend are trying to help my brother out or something, but I don't need any. Don't take this the wrong way, but we aren't completely helpless and in need of assistance." She simply laughed and pulled me along anyway.

"You and your brother are very different. I swear this isn't any sort of pity, okay?" I thought about it. Maybe this will be a good thing, a distraction.



I was walking in to my last class when an arm suddenly pulled me back.

"Jake, what the fuck?" Frank. Figures.

"What now?" I asked, turning around to face him.

"We agreed you would tell him at lunch."

"No. We agreed I would tell him today."

"Sure. Well I bet you didn't do that either, huh?"

"Well... today's still not over. And even if I didn't, so what? Why does this all matter to you so badly? All week you've been hounding me about this, and honestly it's really weird that you're pushing so hard. You said Dani scared you into helping me but now that just sounds like bullshit. Why the hell are you actually doing this?" He looked taken back. And he wasn't responding. Now I realized how quiet it actually was, and saw several other students had stopped and were now watching us.

Shit. Shit, alright. Maybe I'm taking this a bit too far, I don't know. I'm probably overreacting.

I looked back and Frank was smiling.

"So you've got some balls afterall, huh?"


"Nothin. I'll leave ya be. For now. You do you, tell him or don't. Just know that when I get drunk... well I'm not exactly in charge of what comes out of my mouth anymore. So just take that into consideration."

"Are you serious?"

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