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I opened my eyes to darkness. Shit, is still nighttime? What time was it? I could see outside, and it was still dark, so it's gotta be night. I reached over for my phone and checked the time. Four in the morning?

"Ugh.." I dropped my head back onto my pillow. Why am I awake right now? Because my body hates me.

Seconds later my phone lit up. A text? This late? It better not be her...

I grabbed it and saw the name Dani across the screen. Okay, not the her I was expecting. What the hell does she want?

Unlocking it, I read her message.

Dani: hey, I heard you groan. Come downstairs, I cant sleep :D

I swear on everything I hate her sometimes. When did she even get here? And who's this happy at four in the morning? Crazy people.

But fine. I'm pretty thirsty anyway.

I dragged myself downstairs where Dani was sat on the couch, T.V. on.

"Oh good, you are awake. Thought you might be."

"Yeah, I know. I got your text. Why are you awake? When did you even get here?"

"I got here like, around seven maybe? Seven-thirty? I don't know, I just can't sleep. Not too tired, I guess."

"Yeah well, now I'm awake, too. So what's up, we have school in a few hours. Wanna try and get in those few hours of sleep or just say fuck it and stay up?"

"I mean, no use in sleeping now right?"

"There's always a use for sleep." I started walking towards the kitchen. "You want anything?"

"Some water would be great." I grabbed two bottles and headed back, sitting down next to her and handing her one.

"So. How was your day with Ryleigh?" I asked her.

"Ya know. Ryleigh is actually pretty cool. I just wish Emily would've told me she was bringing her over."

"She was here? When?"

"Wha- you didn't know? Were you not home?"

"Of course I was home, where else would I be? But I was asleep. The usual. But hey, like I said yesterday. You two are fine. Trust me, she'd never do anything to put you two at risk."

"I hope you're right. But, speaking of you..." She began to smile widely. Oh no.

"No. No speaking of me, what did you do?"

"Well... remember that boy you've been drooling over for a while now? Of course you remember, how could you forget him when you stare at him all day?"

"I don't drool over anybody! And I don't stare. Dani I swear, if you-"

"I might have talked to his friend. The one I mentioned, Frank." She didn't really do this.

"Yes I know who Frank is, he's in my homeroom. I mean, I've never spoken to him but.. wait, Dani please don't tell me-"

"I did. I didn't mention you by name, I just asked some questions. It's really easy to get information from someone when they're scared."

"Scared? What did you do?"

"Not important. Anyway, Gabriel is single, but you probably already knew that. But get this, probably not straight."

My heart stopped when she said that.


"Not completely certain. But Frank did get fidgety when I asked. And apparently Mr. Gabriel Ruiz has never had a girlfriend." I felt my mouth fall open.

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