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Alex and August had centred their search around the university campus. A variable hub of activity and diverse populations. The constant chaos of the area was making it hard for them to try and narrow down what they were looking for. After days of searching all they knew, the source was close and they had not found it.

Infuriatingly close. Alex was becoming more and more unbearable over the past forty eight hours. The invisible thread that guided them felt different. It had always called out to them clearly, but on the third day they had been searching the city, it had changed. As though the single source had split apart. Seeming to be in multiple directions at once. Hindering their ability to try and find the main calling.

It was lunch time, the twins had decided they would never eat at the same place twice. Force themselves to keep moving into new areas. They were walking down a busy street quite close to the university that had become their central hub.

They were passing by another dinner, the essence of demon strong around the building. Not a deeply evil demon by feel. There wasn't anything menacing in the aura. Though it was unfamiliar, not a succubus or incubus. Alex looked at August. Checking to see if his brother felt the urge to enter the demon controlled space just as he did. August nodded. So the two of them went inside the dinner.

As soon as they opened the door, they were both overwhelmed by an alluring scent that pulled on all their senses. Both twins had to struggled to contain their wolves as the beasts became agitated. Their mates were somewhere inside. However, there was also the scent of a being that was certainly not human in the bar. Burnt ashy scent was heavy, meaning there was a demon somewhere in the building.

The twins went to a booth and sat down. Then tried to find the source of the calling they had followed all over the country. There were four women stood near the kitchen pass through window all with matching aprons tied around their waists, two men working out back in the kitchen and a few patrons sat at tables in the small diner.

Alex and August studied the waitresses, their mates were certainly in the mix of the four women. There was a scrawny looking bleach blonde with eyes that were too wide in her gaunt face, another was dressed like she might moonlight as a dominatrix, while a third looked like how Penny had always dressed her dolls- ethereal layers of lace and tulle with lots of pink and shimmer, the last waitress had bright blue hair, talon like fake nails and bold eye makeup that looked like a little much to Alex for the mid afternoon hour.

The women's scents were all mixed up and it was impossible for the twins to figure out which of the waitresses was theirs. The scrawny blonde went out back, The pink puff ball and goth girl started to wait on tables and run food from the kitchen, the blue haired waitress practically skipped out the front door, humming to herself.

August smiled watching her leave, she seemed like a happy person. The waitress dressed in all shades of black approached their table, took their order and dropped the slip off at the kitchen for the cook. Alex gave August a loaded look, mind linking to ask if she was it for him? August shook his head. Alex shook his head as well. Nights of dominatrix fun did not appear to be in either of their futures. A shame. 

As they waited for their food both realized that the scent, and the pull were no longer strong in the diner. They also realized that the scrawny bleach blonde had not returned from the kitchen at the back. Alex and August relaxed a little bit. Their wolves were still on edge, but they knew where the women worked, they had finally traced the calling back to the source.

Now they would just need to figure out which waitress belonged to each of them, and start the process of trying to make their human mate accept the bond and willingly accept them. Alex and August had heard countless times how their dads had needed to chase mom across the country and back while she was working as a flight attendant.

Caspian, Holland and Max had all stressed that when any of their children found their mates, they should tell them, immediately, leave nothing out and tell the truth. Even Aspen had warned that telling the truth as soon as you knew was the best plan, and he had not needed to chase after mom. None of their parents had spoken much of how Aspen had found Hannah.

The food arrived quickly, dropped by the girl who reminded Alex of a pink powder puff, confirming that neither the goth girl or pastel princess were the ones for either of them. Alex and August dug into their late lunch, the food was delicious. Significantly better than such a humble dinner usually had. Which was a good thing, as the twins now planned to eat here daily until they managed to have their mates in their beds, fucked, claimed and ready to take home to meet mom and their dads.

Alex and August finished their meal, leaving a large tip, August told the goth girl the food had been excellent on their way out of the diner. They headed back to their home. Alex began to immediately start to stress clean the already clean house.

August went and made sure that the second master suite was fully set up and ready. If they were both going to find their mates tomorrow it would probably be better if they both had their own rooms and beds to take them back to. Not everyone was up for sharing everything. Alex wanted to ensure that their mate saw that they were capable, could have a clean home, could provide their mates everything they would ever need or want. August wanted to make sure that whomever it was that he claimed would be happy and comfortable and not need to face any pressure or stress at the start of their relationship.

Last Alex and August looked through their small assortment of clothes. They both agreed, their mates were probably the morning crew at the diner, they wanted to go first thing, catch their mate over breakfast. Except now they were both struggling to figure out how they should dress so early in the morning. Their night-life clothes seemed like too much for a breakfast but their normal day clothes didn't seem like enough to meet the love of your life in.

Worse, they had spent so much time getting their house in order, that the malls and stores were all closed. Leaving them with only two choices. One, accept that they were screwed and try and make the best with what they had. Or option two, they could ask Cassi for a wardrobe assist. Neither option was overly appealing.

Alex and August played rock paper scissors to decide who would make the call. Alex won and decided that it was better to be casual and relaxed at breakfast with what they had. Otherwise, Cassi would easily connect the dots about why her brothers would want a late night, last minute clothing delivery. Then Cassi would spread the word through their family and who knows what could happen next.

Alex and August had also heard countless times how after Holland, Max and Caspian had claimed mom, and taken her to Holland's sisters pack, that most of Holland's large family had descended on the pack like locusts before mom was ready for that much werewolf immersion. They were smart men, they would learn from mistakes their family had made in the past and not repeat them now.

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