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She had been ignoring Eli’s feelings all this while. Well, of course. It wasn’t long ago when she couldn’t even deal with her own feelings as her senses were inundated with nothing but numbness.

No, not just that.

She had yet to cull the plague, but she had somehow been anointed as saintess so she was dealing with things one at a time. The relationship between her and Ethan was also progressing gradually. Thanks to this, her feelings towards him were growing more and more.

That was all. She also no longer had eruptive bouts of divine power transforming her hands and feet.

Therefore, it’s safe to say that all the worries that had been weighing heavily on her were gone.

After such tremendously heavy fatigue had been lifted, she was finally present, here and now.

“Noona, what’s your relationship with His Excellency Gerard?”

But she just wished that she wasn’t aware, just like the main characters of the novel. The events that were transpiring were like plot points of a drama, but regardless of her awareness, this was reality.


Hearing the voice that’s as thick as the night fog, Reina raised her head.

‘Right now, I have to be sure of my actions.’

Several months had already passed since the incident with Lehman.

In the meantime, Paul’s obsession with their friendship had intensified, and Ethan’s aggressive appeals were also in full throttle. Not to mention, this swordsmanship genius in front of her now was also following her as though she was a mother bird.

‘Amidst all that, Letis and even Luke were also sending some kind of signal…’

If only she could erase the memories of those days when she didn’t know what the heck she was doing. In any case, now was the time for her to sort out all the seeds she had thrown out at random.

Breathe iiiiiin, and— huff!

She raised her head and looked directly at the verdant green eyes of the man before her.

“Eli, can we talk?”

Was it because he sensed the firm determination in her gaze? His expression hardened like plaster.

Eli fell silent for a long while, but he soon stepped closer to her.

And, while tucking a lock of Reina’s silver hair, which had hints of very light purple, Eli murmured quietly.

“Noona. Did you know?”

His cold fingertips brushed against Reina’s earlobe. She blinked slowly.

With the woman standing in the man’s shadow as he was blocking the sun, there was a sad yet joyful smile on his lips.

“I am a cursed child.”

A long time ago, on the day that his hair changed color.

Elijah Jehardt, a black lion, had become a white wolf.

* * *

“My son’s hair, why… Why did it turn white?”

Looking at the eight-year-old boy who’s lying in bed, sweating profusely, Demaron Fitzen Jehardt wiped the forehead of his son with a despairing expression. He was the next household head of the Jehardt Marquisate and currently the Count of Fitzen.

“I-I also cannot say what the cause is.”

How could an ordinary healer be able to withstand the overwhelming pressure of a sword master?

Standing in front of her as though he was a sinner, the healer knelt as he trembled.

“I-I am telling the truth…! It’s a high fever again this time, so I poured my healing power the same way I usually did…”

The healer stuttered out the unsatisfactory answer over and over like a parrot.

Listening to the healer’s unhelpful words, bang—! Demarone slammed her fist against the adjacent wall. That hand was no different than a lethal weapon.


It’s as if fate has played a joke upon them. Of all people, why did the curse of House Jehardt appear now and fall onto the one person who was devoid of any talent for the sword?


He wished more than ever that he could see his wife right now—his first and only love, who had passed away after giving birth to Elijah.

How would she have gotten through this situation?

Fria Jehardt was the person who gave meaning to Demaron’s life as he had previously known only the sword. Could she have turned this disastrous reality into a situation where hope could still be fostered?

“Count. About the Marquis and the elder council…”

Standing beside Demaron, his secretary spoke carefully and eventually trailed off.

In the end, the huge body that was comparable to a wild bear collapsed on the chair.

“Damn it.”

It was against the law for a young noble to go to the capital before their coming-of-age ceremony.

The elder council of House Jehardt had already been criticizing Elijah for being a ‘parasite’ who had devoured his mother just to be born.

With just one glance at the white-silver hair of his son, would they not instantly be reminded of the ridiculous curse of ‘the white wolf born amidst the black lions’?


“Yes, Count.”

“Bring this child to the capital.”

“Pardon, sir? But doing so would surely incite criticism from them. And there are already many servants who’ve seen the Young Master’s hair.”

In other words, Elijah’s change could not be covered up.

“I know. But at the very least, I need to watch him with my own two eyes. I need to make sure that his life won’t be threatened.”

It was his wife who was supposed to be the next heir to the Jehardt household. But after her death, it wasn’t her siblings who became next in line—it became Demaron despite only being Daryl’s son-in-law.

This was all for the sake of guaranteeing Laila’s survival.

Nevertheless, this wasn’t a good method either. However, if an heir hadn’t been named, the household would have been taken over by other lions right after Fria had died.

The true prospective marquis was going to be Laila in the end, but Demaron was still the current named heir, even if it was a mere lie. Because of this, he would be able to protect Elijah, albeit weakly.

“We must act immediately before the members of the household find out. Let’s move at once.”

That night, the moon was unusually bright, unusually large.

Elijah Jehardt had become a white wolf born to the black lions.

This BL Novel Is Ruined Now [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now