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Even if Reina had a hundred mouths, she'd have nothing to say back to that.

Isn't that just what he was saying?

"This time, you recklessly exhausted yourself of your own will."


"You clearly promised me, Reina. You promised that you won't do this. Yet why do you keep trying to sacrifice yourself?"

Really... Always right, even if his mouth is crooked...

But as everything he said was true, Reina shifted from excuses to apologies.

"I'm sorry, Ethan."

Indeed, she knew that her body would be driven to the ground, yet she poured all her energy into the Ferrero Rosé matter. It was out of urgency.

"It wasn't that I intended to break my promise with you... Just that, I was rushing too much. I was worried that those who recognized Ferrero Rosé might appear even now..."

As her apologies continued, his face hardened. The smiles he freely gave just ten minutes ago were nowhere to be found.

"Haa... Reina. No matter what, you should prioritize yourself first. I've said it many times."

"I'm sorry... Please don't be mad."

Unable to stay angry at her straightforward apology, he rubbed his eyes.

"If you keep doing this, I'll have no choice but to be more forceful, Reina."

Lowering his hand that had been pressing his eyes, he naturally overlapped their pale hands. Then, he gently pulled her and tucked her into bed.

"Sleep first."

"What? But I still have to look at-"


The tone in which he called her name was serious. If she resisted any further, she felt she might truly get into trouble...

So, she meekly backed down and relaxed her body.

"Okay. I'll sleep. I'll sleep quietly."

Ethan slightly lifted her face to make a pillow with his arm. Then, he swept his hand, pulling the blanket that was lying at their feet over them both.

Pat, pat.

Soothing his insomniac lover, Ethan gently patted her in a lullaby-like rhythm.

And when he felt his beloved had finally fallen into sleep, he murmured softly.

"Stop provoking my desire to lock you away, Reina."

* * *

Today was the day of the monthly regular meeting. It involved ministers, vice ministers, associate ministers, and affiliated directors.

Reina, as a director of the Efficient Technology Bureau under the Ministry of Technology, was naturally present.

"Ugh... Why are there so many meetings?"

She naturally took her accustomed seat and immediately slumped her shoulders, displaying a somewhat bored expression. She mustn't forget her role as the immature saintess, after all.

"I'd like to start by thanking all the high-ranking officials from each department for attending despite their busy schedules."

Although Duke Liam was the highest-ranking individual here by title, he attended as the Minister of Human Resources, hence the unusual formal respect in his address.

Watching him, Reina drifted into her thoughts.

'He really is an attractive middle-aged man. I heard he broke quite a few hearts back in his day.'

It's no accident that Ethan's looks are remarkable.

'Capable, handsome, from a good family, and even with a pleasant voice. It's unfair how the world works sometimes.'

Since she had already skimmed through the meeting's content in documents yesterday, there was nothing new for her, nor anything she was curious about. And as she had to maintain her act as the 'immature saintess,' she couldn't participate too enthusiastically.

So, she unabashedly zoned out, her face a picture of disinterest.

'And the Duchess and Ethan are so alike, too... It's fascinating how they both resemble each other.'

That's why they say stealing seeds isn't worth it. You can tell they're parent and child just by passing them on the street, they're so alike.

'Ah, but where should I source the research tools from...?'

There were children she had brought in from the slums, but they were specialized in design. What she needed was a proper craftsman, a 'master artisan', to create the items.

'Someone completely my person...'

Someone who could maintain absolute secrecy.


As she tapped her chin, pondering this and that, an unfamiliar term caught Reina's ear.

"Let's move on to the next agenda item. Let's discuss the regular dwarven emissary delegation."


'A regular emissary delegation?'

Her curiosity piqued, she opened her eyes wide, momentarily forgetting her act as the immature saintess.

This wasn't mentioned in the meeting brief.

"The visit was originally scheduled for half a year ago, but due to a widespread epidemic this year, the schedule was delayed. As such, we need to pay extra attention to the composition of this year's delegation."

Oh... wait a minute. That meant... people from the empire were going to the dwarven region soon?

'Then I can recruit craftsmen from there...!'

Reina found them.

The skilled hands to create her tools.

* * *

"Me! Me! I want to go!"


"But it's me! The talent you need!"

"I already said no."

"I'm ready to forge a friendship with the dwarves!"

The grand duke stopped in his tracks, glaring down at the chattering woman in annoyance.

"As the Director of the Efficient Technology Bureau, aren't you already involved in many projects?"

"Oh dear. Then I guess I have no choice but to step away from those numerous projects if I'm to go to the Ducal Principality of the Dwarves."

Benedict, standing with one leg crossed, let out a snort of laughter.

This BL Novel Is Ruined Now [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now