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Wow… He’s on a roll again. He’s been doing well for quite some time now, but he’s suddenly becoming like a person with some sort of personality disorder.

“No, no. Ethan. Wait a minute. What do you mean, wipe out?”

When I pulled my hand away from his grasp, Ethan looked at me with such harmless eyes.

“But Reina. They always trouble you. And they’re interfering with our relationship, too.”

“Yes, but… Ahh, violence isn’t allowed!”


As though Reina was teaching a kid who didn’t know any better, she felt as if she was talking to a wall.

‘This is driving me nuts…’

Feeling suffocated as though she was trapped in an unventilated room, she eventually turned her head and sent a silent request for support.

Unfortunately, however, she failed even before she sent the missive.

Why was everyone nodding as though what Ethan said just now was completely reasonable?

‘…Am I the only one who thinks this just isn’t it?’

“Wait, everyone, calm down.”

“I am in an extremely rational state right now, Reina.”

“I’m not happy about it, but he’s not completely wrong, Noona.”

“The elder council only does whatever’s convenient for them. I do frown upon their conduct, Lady Reina.”


Why is there no middle ground with you guys.

“No, but… I mean, I get why these two are saying it, but why even you, Leo…”

Ethan took her hand again and continued to present his logical stance.

“They’re not precious to you, Reina, so what’s the problem?”


No way. Absolutely not. Are you seriously throwing my own words back at me when I said, ‘Please promise me that you won’t treat my precious people recklessly’?

“Even further, they’re trying to drive me away, when I am precious to you.”

…Ah, my head.

“They’re not even worth anything yet they dare bother you. So, is it not logical simply to wipe them off this plane of existence?”

Please. Someone, anyone. Bring me some tylenol for this raging headache.

* * *

Fortunately, the ‘Chantra Elder Council Massacre’, which had been presented by Ethan right from the get-go, was stopped at just the discussion stage.

“No, you… I mean… Even if they’re not precious to me, each life is precious. Do you understand?”

And what was his answer to that?

“But there is, of course, such a thing as discrimination when it comes to human life.”

For both Ethan and Eli, their top priority was Reina Chantra. So, the importance of the lives of all those who kept trying to control or harm her were virtually nonexistent.

But the problem was that Leo was also nodding along to those two’s logic.

“Haa, really. Even as the days go by, I still can’t get used to it. The values in this world are so…”

This BL Novel Is Ruined Now [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now