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The self-flattery she spouted before about ‘surpassing Ethan’s abilities’ to the officials of the Ministry of Technology was all point-blank nonsense. She had merely added a bit of spice, hoping to easily paint a sufficient picture of a ‘Goddess’ for herself.

‘I thought I could postpone raising myself to Ethan’s level, but…’

Now, her offhand remarks had come true.

‘Haa… This means I need to reevaluate Megaro’s power, doesn’t it?’

And figure out who exactly this ‘Ryama’ was.

‘Contacting His Majesty the Emperor directly seems to be the most reliable approach…’

Such were her thoughts, leading her to sigh deeply and repeatedly.

“Ke-hum, ahem. Then, Goddess… I mean, Director Reina.”

After letting the woman get lost in her thoughts for a moment, Wuran brought the conversation back.

“It’s not about anything else but…”

He awkwardly scratched his cheek, sporting an uncomfortable smile.

“Hoho, our kids got a bit too excited and… went around praising your power to those who know the secret of the ‘Blacksmith’s Tears’…”


She was dumbfounded, unable to grasp the purpose behind his lengthy explanation. The old man then added one more short sentence.

“So, the revolutionaries of the Principality want to hear your advice, Director Reina.”


Really, what was this man thinking? If it’s going to end up like this anyway, why did they even write a contract? Huh?

As Reina licked her lips, as if to contain her incredulity, Wuran hurriedly continued.

“Of course! We remember the contract. But it’s difficult to hold back such enthusiastic individuals… especially since those not directly involved in our contract don’t have a proper excuse…”

His list of flimsy excuses continued.

Basically, Wuran was saying he didn’t want to do this, but the situation demanded Director Reina’s help, offering a feeble justification.

Director Reina, tilting her head skeptically, patiently listened to his preposterous reasoning.

‘These dwarves are more shameless than I thought.’

Indeed. It had been that way from the start.

From testing her without explanation to attempting to exploit her kindness as if receiving her help was their right, was there ever any ‘consideration’ involved anywhere?

‘And now they’re trying to breach the contract?’

Was this why Ethan had been so worried, telling her ‘not to get involved’?

Exhaling softly, she raised her hand slightly to interrupt the old man, who was diligently making his excuses.

“Stop it, Wuran. I understand perfectly well what you’re saying.”

“Oh, then—!”

Perhaps reading hope in her response, the old man widened his crinkly eyes and slightly raised his cheeks.

‘I can see right through you.’

The clan’s children must be freezing over. This guy himself probably told them to spread the rumor.


Quietly lifting a teacup from the table, Reina deeply inhaled the tea aroma before locking eyes with him again.

“It’s quite easy when things go smoothly, isn’t it?”

“That’s exactly it! With us together, there’s nothing difficult, Goddess! So-”

“No, no. You should listen to what someone is saying until the end, Wuran.”


With her signature smile playing on her lips, Reina slightly tilted her head while gazing at her teacup.

“Things seem to be working out on their own, so it seems like everything is possible, right?”

“What do you mean by that…”

“So, you don’t quite understand how frightening a contract can be. Right?”


At Reina’s signal with her chin, Leo, standing by, placed the contract they had discussed earlier on the table.

“Oh, and for your information, this is a copy. So, tearing it up in a fit of madness won’t do you any good.”


Adding a brief explanation, Reina pointed her finger at an item at the bottom of the document.

“Here it is. In the event of a breach of contract or failure to fulfill obligations causing damage to the other party, this contract shall be immediately terminated, and the violator must pay compensation amounting to ten times the promised services.”


Wuran silently observed her as she methodically laid out her argument. Then, he burst into laughter, stroking his beard.

“Director Reina, indeed, you’re not someone to be taken lightly.”

“Why do you keep testing me as if you don’t know?”

“It’s because I’m envious— Envious, indeed. If someone even a fraction as talented as you were a dwarf on our side, that would be my only wish.”

With his honest admission, Reina refrained from reproaching him any further.

Instead, she issued a clear warning.

“Don’t try to subtly cross the line like this again. I’ll add a special provision if you do.”

“Bahaha! Understood.”

“Then, we’ll be leaving now.”

Wuran did not hold her back any longer. He wore a worried expression, fearing she might actually add a ‘special provision’ if he said anything more.

“Let’s go, Leo.”

The woman, turning to leave without hesitation, suddenly stopped in front of the door as if remembering something.

“Oh, so when can we start using the magical tools?”

“Let’s see… the ‘Blacksmith’s Tears’ was activated twice, so just give it a moment… so, around 10 o’clock tonight, it should be lifted.”

“Are you sure?”


Then she would have to contact Ethan as soon as the anti-magic field lifted.

‘It’s been bothering me.’

Ethan’s response to her letter, filled with excuses and self-justification, had been very brief.

「 Let’s talk when you return, Reina. 」

This BL Novel Is Ruined Now [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now