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Further, Letis continued.

With the magic gates not functioning, it will be a journey of two or three weeks, but… staying here in such a turbulent time might bring disaster upon us.”

“Haa… you’re right, but…”

The problem was the food supply.

The current officials were utterly dependent on magic gates.

Despite the high usage cost, it was a service provided by the Empire, so why take a long detour?

And this applied to the delegation as well. They had prepared food supplies according to their travel plans via the magic gates.

But now, resorting to travel on foot due to the extended duration and the corresponding need for food was problematic.

‘We can’t exactly ask the Duke for food in these times. Hmm.’

Thus, they were stuck, unable to move forward or back.

“For now… let’s convene a meeting—”

Before the viscount could finish his sentence, a cry almost like a scream rang out from afar.

“Oh…!! The Grace of the Goddess…!!!”

At that unknown voice, the surrounding dwarves fell to their knees on the ground, bursting into tears as if they had lost their country, despairingly prostrating themselves in the square in the middle of the night. The scene was chillingly somber.

“I’ve never seen the dwarves being like this before…”

At Letis’s quiet comment, Reina looked at him with raised eyebrows, prompting him to add,

“Dwarves usually find it bothersome even to show emotion.”


“But pouring out their emotions to this extent means they are truly in a state of despair.”

With his words, a solemn atmosphere enveloped the surroundings.

Prioritizing their own safety was paramount, but aside from Reina’s group, all the members of the delegation had visited the principality at least two or three times.

Thus, witnessing this unbelievable scene only intensified their realization of the situation’s gravity.

“I never thought I’d live to see the day when I’d sympathize with those slackers…”

“Indeed. That kiln is as precious to them as life itself… truly unfortunate.”

“Ha… To think that ‘the’ relic, the one thing they had passion for, has come to this, tsk tsk.”

Everyone took turns expressing their sympathy.

Then, Reina, who had fallen silent for a while, bit her lip and raised her hand.


As the nearby delegation members gathered their gazes on her, she closed her eyes tightly.

And then, as if making a decision, began to speak.

“Perhaps… Perhaps I might be able to help.”

“…Are you saying you can solve this situation right now?”

Ulrich Jehardt, quick to grasp her words, looked at her with eyes that sparked with intrigue.


“How do you propose to help?”

Although she had broached the topic, Reina still seemed hesitant, her voice faltering slightly.

“I haven’t disclosed this, but… I possess Shan’s divine power.”


Was this woman’s specialty delivering surprises?

Gasps and murmurs broke out from around them as soon as she finished her revelation.

“Shan’s divine power.”

“But doesn’t the Director already have Utta’s power, not to mention at the level of an advent?”

“Is that even possible?”

Amidst the spreading whispers, Reina closed her eyes tightly.

“Ethan also possesses the divine power of his god. It’s not impossible.”

“That may be so…”

That was possible for him as a descendant of a mage family, already considered to be of a different species in the first place. So…

“I already received enough attention as an ‘advent-level saintess’ and did not wish for more.”

Her explanation was brief, but everyone present understood what she meant by that.

The personnel of the Ministry of Technology might view her favorably, but jealousy and envy regarding her sudden power were also emerging in various corners of the empire.


At that moment, Letis, with a serious expression, quietly spoke up.

“The problem is the ‘Blacksmith’s Tears’, Reina.”

At his remark, she sighed softly and disclosed the rest of the truth.

“Actually, my blessing from Shan… surpasses Ethan’s.”

The reaction was immediate.


Ethan Gerard Liam.

A figure who received the grace of all the gods more strongly than even the Pope. Therefore, considered an incarnation of the ‘Primordial Mage’, a being not originally classified as ‘human’.

But, here and now, there was an individual who possessed divine power from Shan stronger than Ethan’s?

“Are you certain?”

“Yes. Ethan and I have verified it several times.”


The viscount, along with the other officials of the Ministry of Technology, fell silent. They were unable to find an appropriate response.

Then, the woman who had initiated this conversation once again took the lead.

“I mean… they say ‘The Blacksmith’s Tears’ nullifies ‘magic’, but… isn’t it ultimately a battle of power? If my divine power is stronger than the force suppressing the magic—”

At that point, Letis interrupted her.

“Reina. That’s not the problem.”

As she blinked and tilted her head in confusion, he furrowed his brows.



“Yes. Never mind the dwarves for now. Are you going to be okay?”

This BL Novel Is Ruined Now [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now