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"As soon as things are settled, we will select the individuals to be dispatched from our side," Wuran said.

"Yes, please do so."

Standing up with a lighter heart, she suddenly sat down again and let out an, 'Ah!'

"Sorry, but there's something I need to do first."

"What do you need?"

"Is it possible for me to go to the Dwarven border first? I need to send a letter to explain the situation I'm in right now."

"Our military force is not actually strong, so it shouldn't be too difficult, but..."

Whether it was reluctance to reveal their internal affairs, Wuran's expression darkened slightly.

Reina quickly explained the situation to him.

"I'm thinking of writing a letter to my lover. He's always very worried about my well-being."

"Ah, you mean His Excellency Ethan Gerard Liam."

To know even that was somewhat surprising.

Seeing her reaction, the old man melted a deep smile into his lips.

"You knew we were from Rosénia when you responded to the invitation, didn't you?"

To lay it all out so openly.

'Well... that's easier for me though.'

There's no need to share everything with a collaborator, but unnecessary confrontations were also unwelcome.

"I will guide you to the fastest way to the Dwarven border, Lady Reina. However, beyond that-"

"You don't have to say it, Ethan should have sent someone. So, just getting to the border is enough."

She would have liked to send one of the knights who came with her.

However, as specified in the contract, Reina now had to appear as the 'Goddess' who was found by 'chance'.

In other words, actions that could raise suspicions were absolutely forbidden.

"Understood. Then please write the letter you wish to send, Lady Reina."

"How long will it take to get to the border?"

"Since the 'Blacksmith's Tears' have been activated, all teleportation gates within the principality have ceased operations. Hmm... it will take about 10 to 15 days to reach the border."

"That's longer than I thought... But it can't be helped. Then, I'll be in your care, Wuran."

Reina swallowed down her worries-about how Ethan would interpret the situation and how he would react.

'Let's deal with the immediate issues first.'

As soon as the contract was signed, Reina had a mountain of tasks to handle.

* * *

About twelve days after drafting the contract, back at the Palace of the Thirteenth Moon-

"Currently, there's a revolution going on in the principality, and they are calling Lady Reina 'The Goddess'."

Rushed in with the news, the secretary handed over a closed envelope after a brief explanation.

Having read the letter in one go, Ethan slumped down into his chair.

"Ah... This again."

The letter, written by Reina herself, detailed the situation as of twelve days ago, which was precisely the moment their communication was cut off.

Therefore, he had no problem comprehending what kind of predicament she was in right now.

The only irksome fact was, once again, she had walked straight into a dangerous sea of fire all by herself.

"Reina... what am I supposed to do with you?"

He spoke with a voice laden with turmoil as he roughly rubbed his face.

「 The promise I made to you was sincere, genuinely so.

But telling me not to do anything for my own safety is like telling a knight not to wield a sword because it's dangerous, or telling a chef not to go near fire because it's hazardous.

Ethan. Helping others is something I can't not do. I don't even know exactly why I'm like this either.

Like salmon tirelessly swimming upstream to return to their birthplace, I keep finding myself wanting to help others out of instinct.

You might not understand this part of me.

But please remember one thing. Not being able to keep a promise does not measure the extent of my love for you.

I'm sorry that all I can say is I'm sorry.

I love you. 」

The last part of the letter was read over and over again.

He was in complete turmoil.

"Inertia, huh..."

Until Reina came into his life, all he had were simple, clear-cut truths. The boundaries of right and wrong were distinct, directing his actions clearly.

Now, however, he was the embodiment of confusion.

With a small sigh, he leaned against his chair and tilted his head back.

"Reina... is the way I worry for you really not right?"

Should he speak of his honest feelings instead?

Ethan still believed he was right. Considering everything objectively-her creation of the smallpox vaccine, her manifestation of Utta's power at the level of an advent, the eradication of the Bezak estate's plague-his lover had already escaped the clutches of death several times.

Right. Ethan thought his concerns and forceful actions were justified.


"Telling a knight not to wield a sword..."

There was definitely a point there.

His eyes, heavy with darkness, fixed on one spot before slowly closing.

"Given it's a profession that inherently involves risking one's life..."

In the end, asking her to quit her 'creed' was no different.

"And that's... probably my true feelings."

As he finally voiced this sentence, what he needed to do became clear.

He neatly placed a pen and paper in the center of the desk.

"People don't change easily, do they?"

Where else could one find a fact so certain and clear?


Sighing repeatedly with such heaviness and gravity that one would think someone had died, Ethan slowly started to move his hand.

Thus, he began to write a response to send to his lover.

This BL Novel Is Ruined Now [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now