Chapter 1

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As the person walks back into the room he sees the slightly shorter then him kid, a bored look on her face as her bright maroon/red hair was tied up, a golden crescent in her hair.

"What- Why are you here!? I told you The Administration isn't a safe place for you!"

"Sorry, da- I mean Mr. S said Imperium wasn't a safe place either, especially since they had captured me and Heatwave earlier." The girl spoke

"Wildfyre. We told you where to stay! I know its somewhat far from where either of us are but we'll always come check in on you, plus Heatwave would be fine there."

Wildfyre: Oh come on! I have nothing to do when I'm there.: She whined

"Hh- fine where do you want to go" He sighed as he looked at the child.

Wildfyre: Can we go to the crossroads?!: She asked smiling innocently.

"I'll have to check in with . . ." He mumbled.

Wildfyre: Yay!:

"Wait a minute, HOW DID YOU EVEN GET IN HERE?!"

Wildfyre: Heh, figure that out yourself Agent Walker.:

"Seriously? Stop calling me Agent Walker! My name is Jay! Its not that HARD!"

Wildfyre: Meh it feels weird- your more like my parents so like- calling you by your actual name just sounds stupid:

Jay: Wow your not shouting at me about me being an idiot for once.:

Wildfyre: I'll get back to it in a while:

Jay: I'll go ask him.: He walked to a corner pulling out a phone (if those still exist now) and ringing someone, them answering a few seconds later.


Jay: Hey, not disturbing you during anything huh?

"Not anything yet, the ninja's haven't appeared again yet so that makes the job easier as of now. What do you need?"

Jay: She wants to go to the crossroads.

"What? I don't know if I can take her- plus we'd need a change of outfits"

Jay: Come on can you try? She literally randomly appeared in my room at The Administration.

"Wait a minute WHAT? How did she even get in there?!"

Jay: I'm thinking the same thing! I leave for two minutes because some kid ran through here, and they called me outside. I enter and she's just standing there!

"H- fine I can try take her today, but I'm not taking her alone, you better be there" The person on the line sighed.

Jay: Yeah alright don't worry, I'll be there.

He said as the call disconnected

Out of call

Jay: Yeah he agreed, come on lets go.:

Wildfyre: YES! I haven't been there before. Heh- can I blow stuff up?:

Jay: NO!:

Wildfyre: Oh come on!:

Jay: Hey at least he agreed to take you.:

Wildfyre: Fine now can we go?:

Jay: Yeah fine get a move on.:

They were walking in a closed alley, their clothes being a bit more casual as someone walked up behind them.

"There you guys are." The person was in an Imperium uniform as he stared at the other two, using a sort of device as his outfit changed.

Jay: Kai can you not change before leaving? :

Kai: Uh- no. No I can't.:

Wildfyre: Ugh. Can you stop arguing like a couple and actually go roam around now?:

Kai: Excuse me. We are not arguing like a couple.:

Wildfyre: Pft, says the guy who takes care of a child with him:

Jay: Hey! We could've left you there you know!:

Wildfyre: Yeah, yeah alright fine:

The three walked out into the streets of the crossroads, roaming around for about ten minutes before stumbling along a red tent, candles seeming to be lit inside.

Wildfyre: Wonder what this is! : She said entering pulling in the other two.

They looked around, seeing candles and flowers placed along picture frames.

Kai: Probably a tribute to the fallen ninjas who haven't been found. : He said looking around with dis-interest.

Jay: Wait a minute- that's MY PICTURE!: He said taking a closer look at the pictures adorned with flowers.

Wildfyre: Isn't that yours?: She asked pointing to a frame with a picture of Kai in it.

Kai: Why the hell are our pictures there?!:

. . .

(HEHE that's all I got for now! Short chapter I know but I'm working on it! Enjoy the book)

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