Chapter 4

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Wildfyre chuckled softly, enjoying Jay's exasperation.

Wildfyre:  You know you wouldn't have it any other way. Admit it, Jay, you love having me around to keep things interesting.

Jay rolled his eyes, but a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

Jay: Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that, Wildfyre.

They fell into a comfortable silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

Suddenly, there was a faint rustling noise from the corner of the room, catching both Jay and Wildfyre's attention. They exchanged a glance before slowly approaching the source of the sound.

To their surprise, they found Heatwave curled up in a corner, his scales shimmering in the dim light of the room. His eyes flickered open as they approached, and he let out a low rumble of greeting.

Jay: There you are, you sneaky lizard. What were you doing hiding back here?

Wildfyre knelt down beside Heatwave, running a hand over his scales.

Wildfyre: Probably trying to avoid you, Jay. Can't blame him, though. You do have a habit of scaring off everyone with your grumpiness.

Jay shot her a mock glare, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes.

Jay: Ha ha, very funny.

Heatwave let out a huff of amusement, seemingly content to bask in their company. Despite his fearsome appearance, they was fiercely loyal to Wildfyre, always watching over them like a guardian.

A knock on the door was heard, Jay got up walking towards the entrance and opening the door to be greeted by the ninja once more.

Jay: What are you doing here. I told you, we don't know you!

Wildfyre: JAYYYYY, I'm boreddd!

Jay: Well give me a minute!

Lloyd: Jay listen to us. We're your friends- we can prove it!

Jay: As if.

Nya: We're trying to help you, or could you at least tell us somethings?

Jay: Depends. What is it you want to know?

Cole: About Kai- you seemed to know him?

Jay: Yes I do. And I'm telling you he won't believe you as much as I don't.

Lloyd: Just answer us this- you stay here? And you work where?

Jay: Yes I stay here and I work and The Administration.



Jay: Kids I swear.: He said quietly to himself

Cole: Wait a second. . that girl is a child? How did I not notice that earlier?!

Jay: Cause she's almost the same height as me probably. And well she appeared pretty suddenly, and I dragged her away just as quickly.

Nya: Alright then- what about Kai?

Jay: Uhm, oh right- he works in Imperium

Cole: What?!

The other three looked slightly surprised, Imperium was the place causing them so much trouble, yet that's where their ally would be located.

Nya: Your not serious?

Jay: As serious as serious can be. For me at least. 

Lloyd: Hhh- this is going to be interesting. .

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