Chapter 2

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"We've found everyone else! Except for Master Wu and PIXEL of course but where would they be?!" A girl shouted as she walked around the monastery's training area.

"Nya calm down, we'll find them soon."

Nya: I know, I know- but Cole- we haven't got a clue where they could be!"

"Perhaps you should try doing something to get your mind off of our missing friends?" Another person said as he arrived.

Cole: Trust me Zane, we've tried:

Zane: By the way Lloyd has something to say.:

Nya: Speaking of Lloyd there he is, with Arin and Sora:

Lloyd: Oh hey guys- your already here. . .:

Cole: So what you going to tell us?:

Lloyd: Uhm- :

Arin: Something to tell us? Ooh what is it! Did you find Jay or Kai?:

Sora: Let him speak Arin:

They all waited for the other to speak up.

Zane: Is something wrong Lloyd?:

Lloyd: I-uhm- I might know. . something about. .: His voice becoming softer as he continued with the sentence,

Zane: You know something about why we can't find them don't you?:

Lloyd: May-be?:

Nya: What do you mean?:

Cole: If you know something then go on:

Lloyd: When I- when I went to Imperium I found a girl that was an elemental master- of fire?: He said somewhat quietly, but the others still heard it.

Nya: W-what? You can't be serious? He can't be dead! Maybe he just- passed on his powers or something. Yeah.:

Zane: Knowing Kai I find that very unlikely.:

Cole: Hey- there are chances alright. We could still find them:

Sora: Agreed, its unlikely but not impossible. He could still be alive somewhere:

Arin: Anyways uh- what are we doing today:

Zane: I suggest figuring out who the girl is or check out Imperium again:

Nya: I'll go. :

Cole: Go where?:

Nya: To Imperium. I'll go. I want to look around myself.:

Lloyd: Uh- yeah sure you can go, I guess I'll come with you: He said turning to the others seeing if anyone else wanted to tag along.

Cole: Uh yeah sure- I don't mind:

Nya: Great so me, Lloyd and Cole will go to Imperium to look for them.:

Lloyd: Yup- what will you guys be doing?:

Zane: I will be trying to figure out who the girl might be, and let Sora and Arin train more:

Arin: oh come on! Why can't we go?!:

Lloyd: You guys need training. And its probably to dangerous for you guys to go.:

Sora: Yeah alright fine:

The three ninja had left the monastery a while ago, now entering Imperium, sticking to the shadows trying not to be seen.

Walking around the streets of Imperium, they had no luck, they wouldn't be able to search for them properly until dark, when they could move around a bit more freely, so they decided to turn towards the Crossroads, another place where either the mysterious "fire elemental" or their two allies could be.

. . .

Arin: I feel bad for the ninja- they've be through so much already.: He said as he was punching the punching bag.

Sora: I mean I wouldn't know. How about you tell me?:

Arin: Sure uh, they've gotten arrested. Twice even though they pretty much gave up everything to keep the city safe, uh one got turned into a ghost.:

Sora: The ninja had a ghostbusters phase?!:

Arin: Yeah, and it was terrifying. Lloyd constantly needs to fight his dad, uh, one disappeared for a while, so did the rest of the ninja after that but P.I.X.A.L. was still there so:

He continued on about random events which happened, talking to Sora as she and Riyu sat there listening with a bored look, but listening none the less.

. . .

Kai: I don't want to be here anymore-:

Jay: Agreed- Come on Wildfyre: He said backing out of the tent slowly

Wildfyre listened to the people she thought of as parents, as they turned to leave.

. . .

They were back in an alley way, a confused expression still on their faces.

Jay: Why do you think those pictures are there-?:

Kai: With the other- ninja. . :

Wildfyre: Why would your picture be with the ninja? You guys aren't important:

Kai: HEY! I'll have you know, I'm a general of Empress Beatrix. I'm one of the most important people there.: He said folding his arms with a slightly annoyed look.

Jay: And I need to help re-assign people to their realms.:

Wildfyre: You sure? its seems like you just stay in your room and play video games. At least Mr. Smith does something. :


Kai: Calm it Jay bird: ( Fugi-dove throwback HEHE >:D)

Jay: Stop calling me. JAY BIRD! I don't know where you got it from!:

Kai: I don't know, but it's funny seeing you get so worked up over a silly little nick-name:

. . .

(And that is all! Not much actually done in this chapter but hey. I'll update this book atleast once a week. Anyways see ya later!)

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