Chapter 8 (uncanon to AU)

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Zane: This is quite the predicament. If Jay doesn't remember anything and Kai is working at Imperium, we're going to need a solid plan to get him out.

Sora: And how do we even approach Jay about this? He seems pretty closed off.

Nya: We'll have to find a way to gain his trust. Maybe there's something we can use as leverage to get him to help us.

Cole: Yeah, but we can't just barge in there and demand answers. We need to be strategic about this.

Zane: Agreed. We must proceed with caution and gather as much information as we can before making any moves.

Arin: So, what's our next step?

Lloyd: We need to gather intel on Imperium and figure out what Kai's role is there. Once we have a better understanding of the situation, we can come up with a plan to rescue him.

Sora: And what about Jay? Do we just leave him in the dark about everything?

Nya: No, we'll find a way to approach him about it. We have to try and bring him back to our side.

Cole: It won't be easy, but we can't give up hope. We'll figure this out together.

Zane: Agreed. We are stronger as a team.

.    .    .

Jay: How do you forget I'm here? >:c I am like- literally your father at this point

Wyldfyre: Kai's my father, I like him more, he's cool.

Jay: >:0 THEN WHAT AM I?!

Wyldfyre: The un-cool uncle. Or mother? I dunno.

Jay: What gender roles are you using here?

Wyldfyre: No idea. :D

.    .    .

Jay: . . . I can't help them. I'll just hope they'll be fine.

He said to himself, leaving the ninja to their fight.

.    .   .

Wyldfyre: Oh hey your back already! Thought you were going back to work?

Jay: I'm waiting for Kai to get back.

Wyldfyre: Huh? Why?

Jay: No reason. Also you should probably sleep.

Wyldfyre: What- but I don't want to!

Jay: Well to bad, now go to bed Fyre.

Wyldfyre: Ughhh fine!

She trudged into her room, the dragon Heatwave trailing behind her, knocking a few things over which Jay then put back in their place.

He then just sat back down on his desk, once again duelling paperwork

After a while of just doing the absurd amount of paperwork, someone opened the door. . Kai

Jay: We need to talk about earlier.

Kai: Earlier? What- oh that. Why were you there in the first place?

Jay: Told you, just wanted to check in on you man.

Kai: I'm to tired for this-

He said, walking over to his own room, before being pulled back by Jay

Jay: You should've listened to them.

Kai: Jay- buddy, can we talk about this in the morning?

Jay: No- We need to talk about this now- you could at least hear them out!

Kai: I tried! I tried okay!? Ras wouldn't let me try and listen. Understand that! MY JOB ISN'T AS EASY AS SITTING AT A DESK PLAYING VIDEO GAMES WHEN I SHOULD BE DOING PAPERWORK!

Taken aback by Kai's outburst, he recoiled slightly, his expression a mix of surprise and hurt.

Kai: Look, Jay, I'm sorry for snapping at you- I- just-

Jay: No it's fine. . . we'll talk about this tomorrow. Night.

He said leaving Kai's room and going back to sit outside.

Kai just flopped down onto his bed, not knowing what to do.

.    .    .

As Jay settled back into his chair outside, he couldn't shake off the weight of the conversation with Kai. His mind buzzed with questions, doubts, and the pressing need for a resolution. He glanced at the clock, realizing how late it had become. Weariness washed over him, but sleep seemed elusive.

Wyldfyre exited from her room, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

Wyldfyre: Can't sleep?

Jay managed a small smile.

Jay: No, not really. You?

Wyldfyre shook her head, yawning widely.

Wyldfyre: Nah. Too many thoughts.

Jay patted the space beside him, inviting her to sit. She obliged, curling up next to him.

Wyldfyre: What were you talking to Dad about?

Jay: Oh so your calling Him dad! How is that fair! >:c

Wyldfyre: Meh he's better than you.

Jay: Oh come on I'm not that bad :c

Wyldfyre: I still prefer Kai :D

Jay: Well then you can go sit with him instead.

He said turning away from Wyldfyre.

Wyldfyre: Hey- what noooo.

Jay: Now that I think of it. I'm telling Kai you called him dad in the morning.

He said laughing slightly as Wyldfyre started shouting about how she said it as a joke.

Wyldfyre: You wouldn't dare tell Kai!

Jay chuckled, ruffling her hair affectionately.

Jay: Oh, wouldn't I?

Wyldfyre: I- uh- damn it.

Jay:  Well you should go back to bed. Go now.

Wyldfyre: Ughhh fine- but if you tell Kai!

Jay: I won't, now go, shoo, sleep.

.    .   .
(Very short, and very simple  + extremely rushed. This is as you can see me second update of this week- thats cause I will likely not publish at all in the next two weeks as I am VERY busy.)

Rio: "Exams fuck you"
(Iii hate my life :D they are literally in like two days)

(I'm so very disappointed in myself cause the last chapter sucks and this one is even shorter than that. I feel useless yay. Oh hey look at that I am turning into Kai irl. Nice.)

(Edit on 19th June: Not canon to the AU just- made this during exams)


Skales very much confused.

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