Chapter 3

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They were still in the crossroads, back in the alley they once started in.

Jay: You sure you want to still go around here?:

Wildfyre: I mean its if you guys are fine with it and this point- :

Kai: Do you want to continue staying here?:

Wildfyre: Do- you mind? :

Jay: It's. Fine. We can stay for a while longer. : He said while looking at Kai before smiling slightly.

Kai: Come on. I'll need to go back to Imperium soon. :

Wildfyre: Alright!:

As they walked through the winding streets known as the Crossroads, Wildfyre walked a head, watching everything until she found something of interest. Jay and Kai exchanged a glance, as they turned to see Wildfyre waiting for them.

As they continued their walk around the crossroads Wildfyre spotted three familiar looking figures, she doesn't know where she saw them but they were there.

Kai: It's getting late. The Empress will be mad if I don't go back. Think you can handle her Jay?:

Jay: Yeah it's fine I can deal with it.:

 Kai: Alright. See you later Jaybird: He said giving a playful wink as he left. 

 Jay: Stop calling me Jaybird! I- Where does it come from? Do I look like a bird to you?! : 

Wildfyre chuckled at their banter, finding amusement in their dynamic as she leaned against a nearby wall.

Wildfyre: You two are always so entertaining.:

Jay rolled his eyes with a smirk, shaking his head at her remark.

Jay: Yeah, well, it keeps life interesting, doesn't it?:

As they continued down the bustling streets of the Crossroads, Jay kept a watchful eye on Wildfyre, knowing her penchant for getting into trouble. Meanwhile, Wildfyre scanned the area with a keen eye, always on the lookout for something exciting or intriguing.

Suddenly, she spotted the three figures again, this time lingering near a dimly lit alleyway. Without hesitation, Wildfyre darted off towards them, her curiosity piqued.

Jay: Wildfyre, wait! Where do you think you're going?!: He called out to her, his voice having a hint of annoyance.

But his words fell on deaf ears as Wildfyre disappeared into the shadows, leaving Jay to follow after her with a resigned sigh.

Jay: This girl is going to be the death of me, I swear.:

As they approached the trio, Wildfyre flashed them a cocky grin, her confidence never wavering.

One of the masked figures looked at the child.

"That's her! She's the girl I freed." He said before removing the mask.

"Lloyd, are you sure? I mean she looks the part definitely, but I doubt he'd give her his powers."

"Cole shut up, at least we found her!"

Cole: Alright, alright- I'm sorry. Jeez:

"Hi there- kid, I'm Nya and you are" The girl said.

Jay: WILDFYRE STOP RUNNING OFF RANDOML-: He stopped staring at the three, seemingly recognizing them from somewhere.

Wildfyre also just stared at them before speaking.

Wildfyre: Your the one's in the pictures! Your the ninja! And green boy over there is the one who had gotten me out of Imperium! : She said pointing at Lloyd.

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