Just my Luck

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Now, I maybe me paranoid
But this thing is for sure
As they say
Once was a mistake but three calls out a curse
For three times isn't a coincidence, it's a message apart of another tale
Because beyond three, different tales begin to unvail

It happens, we all have our bad days
But I've been starting to see a pattern
That wasn't there before
I would notice a once, twice and usually a thrice
But a fourth and fifth followed behind
And seeing this, I would sit and cry

Why me?
Why this pattern?
Does it ever end?
Ladies and gentlemen, I found the answer to be NO

Because it's been two years
And I've passed the two hundred and eighth
And the pattern has yet to go away
I'll just have to move and put the thoughts away
But my expectations have been surpassed
Because the disasters have multipled
They doubled and tripled each time

And I just need a break
Because my bones are worn and my hair has turned grey
I now look like a a body starting to decay
What did I do to deserve this tragedy?
I will do anything to make it go away
So you just had a bad day to today
But I'll have mine today and for the rest of my miserable life

So, yes you might have had a slip up once
But I will have them for the rest of my life
The question still goes unanswered
Why me?
Just why?

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