Jamaica a di best place to live

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Jamaica a di the best place fi live
No foreign country can beat wi
Because we have a lot identities

To Chinese, Indian
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Don't forget our African descendants
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A we a di real deal
A we a di real deal
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We focus on bringing world peace
And dominate all di other countries
In 1962 we were released
And now you can't stop wi

With Vision 2030 we wheel the power to victory
Look at our flag
Green , black and gold
Those are the colours, to our souls
Green is for agriculture and hope
Black is for strength and crea..tivity..
And with those  skills
You can't stop wi
Now let me tell you about gold
It's about the natural beauty that our sunlight holds
We have a lot of places that you can't resist
Port Royal might have  sank , but it's still for the win
With our beaches,  you cant compete
The ocean breeze is nice and sweet
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If you want good food, don't look no more
Our food is like a magic cure

We have a lot of things that you can do
Like swimming with horses and dolphins too

You don't have to worry about winter coats
Jamaica is sunny all year round

O' wait, I'm thinking of Usain Bolt
Can you believe that after so many years
It's still him all the athletes fear

Bob Marley died years ago
But all now his music still a flow

What can I say?
I could go all-day
But my friends I'm going to give you a break
So see you on another day
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Jamaica for the win

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