Igniting the flame

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It was the last day of school. I was in my room packing some clothes and necessities for the next 2 months, as the juniors had to go to a 2-month  camp if they'd gotten low grades over the semester. But that wasn't the case for me. Some students got to choose if they wanted to go. And of course, I went for the experience because I love nature.

"Meg come on it's time to go," Mom yelled.

My mom was taking me to the campsite since I did not want to ride that packed bus. You couldn't pay me enough to sit for 3 hours with the jocks, cheerleaders, troublemakers, etc. And then have to ride overnight on a plane since it was out of state. I'd rather spend 11 hours in a car. Then most Some people decided to spend their time at home this summer. Meaning I was probably the only one who volunteered, the rest just being the "rule breakers".

"Coming!"I yelled back.

I got my 2 suitcases and dragged them down the stairs and believe me they were heavy. I took them out the door and put them in the back of my mom's jeep. Walking around to the side of the car my mom said,

"So bad news." I knew this wasn't good.

"I'm not gonna be able to take you all the way there, I have a business trip tomorrow and I need my sleep, so I'm gonna take you to the airport," she said, Ugh I sighed.

I didn't give her a hard time as I knew work was more important than my desire not to ride with my classmates.

"Ok, it's fine Mom," I replied.

When it wasn't I felt annoyed. About somewhat 2 hours later we reached the airport. Getting out of the car some workers came and helped me with my bags. Yes, I was kinda rich, more like financially wealthy thought. But I wasn't the cocky, stuck-up, bragging kind. I spent money well and didn't buy the most expensive things just because I had the ability to. My mom worked for this huge company and had been promoted the manager about 4 years ago.

"Ms Donelly," A man said opening the door for my mom and bowing a little. I scoffed.

"Thank you Gerald, but you don't have to do that, it's not like I'm a queen." She said, obviously flustered,

They always did that. It kinda got weird, but I admired their commitment.

"Ok let's go." my mom said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

And I followed behind her as we made our way through the gates and to the front desk where the lady gave me my boarding pass and my mom kissed me goodbye. I walked over to where there was a place rented specifically for my school.

"Meg it looks like you will be joining us, did you realize the car ride would've been exhausting?" My teacher asked,

"Nope, just something came up, but here's for hope," I said boarding the plane,

"To hope," My teacher replied, following behind me.

"Now since you're boarding late, there aren't many seats left, and the only one left is next to Milo Manheim." 

"Oh god, as if this day could get any worse." I thought,

"OK," I said dragging my suitcase and putting in the headboard,

Milo was sitting in the outer seat talking with some football players. I guess that was good because I liked the window seat.

"Excuse me," I said as politely as possible, as I knew his reputation, not that I was scared of him though, just that I did not need any drama. let alone an enemy.

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