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When I woke up I felt the warm embrace of the sun on my skin, I yawned and slowly opened my eyes. I immediately froze at the presence of Milo, fuck. I thought as I held my head. A sudden wave of pain hit my head, what the hell was I doing, and what the hell happened? I groaned.

I then realized I was wrapped around him, I slowly tried to remove my leg from around his waist. to get from under the cover. But his hand grabbed my thigh stopping me. His eyes shot open but he didn't move,

"What are you doing?" he said,

"What am I doing..? What happened and why are we in the same bed," I asked, a smirk grew across his face and I saw his jaw slowly clench

"You got really drunk... Came onto me, and we slept together," he said

 My face grew hot at his words, I hurriedly pulled the cover off of our legs. But I was still dressed. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Meg give me the fucking cover its cold," he complained,

 I hit him in the arm,

"Ow, what the fuck was the for?" he said in an irritated tone,

"lying," I replied,

He looked at me with a sinister stare.

"Hit me again," he said,

What was that some kinda kink? Did he like what I did...? I looked at him and got off the bed.

"Weirdo," I whispered rolling my eyes,

I made my way over to my bag that sat on a dresser close by; grabbing a tank top and some shorts.

I removed my shirt and pants.

"What the hell are you doing," he said,

I stopped mid-dress,

"What? You see the same thing at the beach," I replied,

"Except you're in your bra and panties," he said,

"Look away then, or better yet find another roommate," I suggest cockily, and silence fell over the room,

I looked over my clothes again, the shirt I had seemed boring. I shuffled through my bag again,

"So, no thank you?" he said breaking the silence.

I turned to face him and replied,

"For what."

He hesitated to reply, just staring for a minute, I wondered what he was thinking.

"Nevermind," he said,

I scoffed, 

"What the hell now I want to know," I said walking back over towards him. He examined my body.

"Milo, Milo... Milo? Milo!" I said,

"Leave me alone," he said throwing the cover back over himself and turning away from me,

I pulled the cover off of him.

"Tell me what you were gonna say," I said,

He grabbed my hand that held the cover off him and pulled me under him,

"I told you to leave me alone," he then laid on top of me resting between my legs,

"Milo! Get off," I said

"No," he replied putting his head into my neck,

Suddenly the door opened and Tiara entered,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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