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I got up early in the morning to take a shower since it was competition day. And for some reason, it was bat-shit cold. After gathering my clothes I started towards the showers. And it was packed, I guess others had the same intentions. I turned my head to see Milo coming out of the woods with a girl, I rolled my eyes. Then I remembered Milo was the only one with a private bathroom. I mean his dad owns the camp, so what's new? I headed towards Milo.

"I need a favor," I said, He had on no shirt and was zipping his pants.

"And I'm not even going to ask what you were doing just now," I said disgusted,

"So now you're making demands?" He said smirking, I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Alright, what,"

"I need to use your shower," I replied,

"Ok," he said, I raised my eyebrows

"That's it? There's no catch."

"You should take your shower, you don't want to know what I'd want in return." He whispered into my ear, and I scoffed.

I headed towards Milo's cabin. When I walked in everyone was still asleep. I went into the bathroom and turned the shower handle. After it got hot I got in, and about 5 minutes later I heard someone enter the bathroom.

"Yo Milo, why are you showering so early?" Anthony said I held my mouth,

"Alright... Well, I'm gonna brush my teeth." He said I didn't move.

"Why are you so silent?" He said, but it was muffled because he was brushing. I shut my eyes/

"Alright, dude stop playing." He came closer to the shower curtains,

I heard a whoosh and felt something press up against my back. Wrapping around me.

"What are you doing in here Anthony," Milo said,

I opened my eyes. Milo was behind me.

"Dude what took you so long to talk."

"Nothing just get out." Milo sternly replied,

"Alright, whatever dude." Anthony said leaving.

Milo smiled.

"It's not funny," I replied, I then realized Milo was staring at my bare body. My face turned red. I quickly covered myself.

"Get out!" I yelled quietly.

"Or we could do something else." He said,

"Look I'm not one of your toys, go fuck some other girl. Your a fuckboy Milo. And I'd never like you." I said pushing him back.

He furrowed his eyebrows. He then picked me up so that I was straddling him and bit my neck. Pinning one of my hands against the wall. 

"fuck." I thought

"He grip on my thigh became tighter and he pressed me against the wall. It felt pleasurable making me aroused. I started moaning. He was still on my neck.

"M-Milo s-stp fuck...Milo." I groaned, he then bit the other side of my neck making me moan louder.

"Milo there gon-gonna hear." I whinced.

"Let them." He said gripping my thighs tighter and pressing me harder to the wall.

I kissed him hard moaning into his mouth so they couldn't hear. He loosened his grip and pulled away.

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