Obey (TW)

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LET'S JUST PRETEND EVERYONE HAS THEIR PHONES FOR THIS CHAPTER. (A little 14+) nothing too major but yea,

As we walked into the party we saw a lot of party activities and make-out games to our sides.

"So what should we do first," Terra said,

"I'm gonna go find some friends," Tiara replied,

"Good cause I'm gonna go get drunk and laid," Terra said backing away,

"Later!" She yelled,

I held my head,

"God this music is loud," I said,

"Get used to it, this might be your first party, but it won't be your last with us," Tiara said,

"Yeah yeah, I'm gonna go find somewhere to sit," I reply,

I part ways with Tiara and go towards the living room. I see a sitting area in a corner and head towards there. I took a seat and pulled out my phone.

"God, why did I let the twins talk me into this?" I think.

While I scroll through my Instagram I see everyone posting their time at the party. And then I came across Terra's post: She is sloppy kissing a werewolf girl. I literally just left this girl, I think.

"Hey," I familiar voice says, I turn my head to see Anthony.

I get up from my seat.

"What do you want," I boldly say,

Why don't you just give in already, After trying so many tries I can't seem to get you alone." He says twirling a strand of my hair.

"Don't touch me," I say grabbing his hand,

"But you're so sexy in this dress," He says,

At this point, I know he's drunk even though he acts the same way when he's sober.

"If you ever bother me again I'm gonna tell," I say pushing him away,

"And then everyone will know your little secret," He replies snarkily,

"You're sick," I reply,

"As I've been told a million times," He says pinning me into the corner.

He starts to trail his hand up my already short dress. I tried to yell but he covered my mouth. I kneed him in the groin.

"Fuck!" He yelled but not loudly,

"I said don't touch me," I say slapping him and walking away.

I look around for Terra or Tiara as I want to go now. I don't see them after 15 minutes of searching and I get tired. I decide to go outside for some fresh air, I start walking around the premises of the cabin and after a while, I come across a lake. The water glistens in the moonlight, it's so beautiful. I walk over to it and pull my dress over my head. I slowly walk into the oddly warm water.

I lean back into the water and relax on my back, the water soaks between the roots of my hair and feels soft against my skin. But my relaxation is interrupted by an unfamiliar feeling against my legs.

"Meg," A voice whispers,

I hurriedly rise from my position and see Milo, but his appearance appears different. His fangs clearly show, his skin is pale as paper, his fangs are sharp, his veins pop, and his glare is soft.

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