Daddy Issues

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The next morning I woke up, and my head was thumping. I wasn't in anything but a big shirt and I couldn't remember anything from the previous night. Oh no, what did I do last night and who did I do? Whose clothes are these and how did I even get back to the cabin? I sat up holding my head and put my clothes on the floor.

"God," I whispered,

"Finally you're awake," Tiara said,

"Now mind explaining why your clothes are everywhere  and you're in god's who knows shirt," Tiara said,

I then realized that someone might've taken advantage of me while I was drunk. I hurriedly lifted up the shirt and thank god I still had on my underwear,

"I can't remember anything," I replied,

"Oh, that's bad," Tiara replied,

"Come here," she added on,

I got up from my spot and walked over to her, 

"This might be a little awkward but I need a way to get into your head without biting you," she said,

"Just do it," I said, not really sure what she was talking about,

She then pressed her hands on both sides of my head and then kissed me,

"Sorry," she mumbled,

We had to kiss for about 30 seconds, her eyes went in all direct, and her grip on my head tightened, she then loosened her grip and took a deep breath,

"Good news you didn't sleep with anyone, but there might be a bite mark on your inner thigh and you might want to speak with Milo," she said,

I knew it had to be something with him, I thought. When I got up to head back to my bed. Terra's mouth was on the floor, 

"How did you kiss her before me," She whined,

"I guess you weren't good enough," I teased,

"Yea yea whatever," she replied,

I got some clothes from my drawer and changed into them when I tried to put on my pants though it hurt. Milo was definitely gonna regret this, I changed and then headed to Milo's cabin, and when I walked in all the boys were putting on shirts.

"Ohhh Meg, what are you doing here tryna get down?" He teased,

"I don't have time for your dirty jokes Anthony wheres Milo," I said,

"Whatever," He said,

"He's probably with his dad," A boy said,

"Isn't his dad in California?" I questioned

"No it's his mom's birthday or something," Another said,

I'd completely forgotten about that and guilt kind of fell upon me, I still remember when his mom died and how guilty my dad felt because he had no clue that, that would happen.

I then exited the cabin and decided maybe today I should distance myself from Milo and ask him about the mark between my legs another day. But suddenly someone called my name.

"Donelly!?" someone said,

I turned my head to see Milo's dad, if my day couldn't get any worse I saw my mom's rival. I  had to hide the fact that Milo's dad owned this camp just to come here.

"Hi Mr. Manheim," I replied.

"I see you're looking better than ever," He said,

At this point, I knew he was just trying to make conversation,

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