Double Trouble (slight 13+)

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The next morning I woke up, it was the first time I felt fear, I didn't know who to turn to, constantly fearing what or who was after me. And Milo where was he? Where was the cold but caring cocky but flirtatious Milo? Ever since his dad came he started to act different. And I feared him. I'd never feared anyone or let anything harm me, but I've come to realize I'm the prey in this world of monsters and I'm weak compared to them. I needed to get away from this camp, from this place, maybe the human part of town was better for me, even If I had to leave Mom.

A knock was heard at the door, the hairs rose on my back. I quickly ran towards Tiara. Tiara rubbed her eyes and sat up.

"What Meg?" she said,

"Someone is trying to get in," I whispered, she looked at me and could see the fear.

"Ok I'll get it," she said, slowly getting up.

When she made it to the door she slowly opened it.

"It's just Milo," she said,

I kinda calmed down, I was still kinda scared of Milo, because of the way he acted, but I just decided that maybe he had some sort of resentment against me yesterday, because of my dad and his mom. Even though it wasn't my fault, guilt seemed to tye me down. But just she opened it more it wasn't Milo, it was an unfamiliar face.

The creature walked in with the same glowing red eyes as yesterday, true fear overcame me and I tried to back away, but it came closer,

"Tiara what did you do," I said,

"I'm sorry Meg, but humans don't belong here," she said,

The creature then grabbed me and at that moment I woke up, sweating hard. I looked around the room and Tiara was already up and gone but Terra was knocked out and all that was noticeable was the sunlight from the window.

"Did you like the dream?" A boy said in the corner wiping blood from his mouth,

I then realized that he was the creature I knew it because the sunlight didn't show his face, but those red glowing eyes were the same.

"Don't come any closer," I said,

"Don't worry I won't for now, just wait until Milo fails though you'll be all mine," he said,

"What?" I questioned,

But he was gone and then a light came on.

"Who are you talking to Meg?" Terra said rubbing her eyes and pulling string to turn the light on,

I turned towards her and wanted to tell her the truth, but I couldn't I only told Tiara.

"I don't know just sleep-talking or something," I said standing up,

"Okay, I guess, anyways I'm gonna get breakfast,"she said,

"I'll come with you," I said,

"Okay," she replied,

I went toward my dresser to get a hoodie and looser pants because the bite that Milo left still kind of hurt, I started to remove my clothes, but then stopped in my tracks.

"Terra are you watching me get undressed?" I asked facing the other direction,

"Sure am," She said right behind me,

She then wrapped around my waist.

"You're stupid," I said giggling,

"I know that's why hotness is my greatest achievement," she said,

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