Drifting Together?

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The next day I woke up it was kinda weird and dim, I couldn't find anyone anywhere. Plus Tiara and Terra's clothes were nowhere to be seen.

"Weird,?" It thought,

I walked over to the cabin window and looked out, there wasn't anyone except a girl with pink highlights.

"Hey!" I yelled, and then the girl stopped and turned towards me.

What was weird was she had bags in her hands.

"Yeah," she responded,

"Do you know where everyone is?" I asked rubbing my eyes, she then rose an eyebrow

"You don't know? Milo's dad is taking us to LA for a week to go sightseeing," she said, my facial expression dropped,

"What!?" I said out loud,

"Yep, so you better hurry, she said continuing on her walk.

I hurriedly ran into the cabin and grabbed everything, this was my chance. to get away from this camp and this family. After I grabbed everything I ran straight out the door, I hadn't even changed into anything. I got to the front of the gate and there the bus was, I hurriedly got on. And once got again the only seat left was next to Milo, deja vu, right. Except Damon was there too. This couldn't get any worse.

I dragged my bags to the end of the bus and opened the top latch, I then picked up the suitcase and pushed it to the end of the opening, I had to get on the tip of my feet because it was kinda of high, then all of sudden the suitcase came down a little, but I caught it and stumbled back a little. Just as that happened I felt a hand on my waist.

"Careful you don't want to fall," the figure said,

I turned around to see Damon. I quickly removed his hands from my waist.

And said snarkily," I got it, thanks."

"Sure," he replied with a grin sitting back down,

I pushed the suitcase fully up and sat between Milo and Damon. Milo didn't say anything, but Damon just kept staring. Halfway through the ride I finally faced him.

"What," I said annoyed,

"Nothing, just admiring your beauty," he replied, I rolled my eyes.

"What does your family have against mine?" I said turning towards him,

"What? Maybe we look up to your exceptional family," He gestured caressing his family against my leg, Milo eyed his movement.

I grabbed his hand and said, "Cut the bullshit, and next I'll break your hand."

His grin dropped.

"Fine," he said, leaning close to my ear.

"Maybe your father should've kept out of our fucking business," he said,

I turned to face him,

"Ever come to think it was your lame excuse of a fucking father's fault," I replied grinning, he clenched his jawline.

"So now your this hot shit? (he grins) just wait Donnelly," he whispers, I turned back around.

After we arrived there was this huge house. I exited the bus and caught up with Terra.

"This house is fucking huge," she exclaimed,

"How did he afford this and why did he buy it?" I said under my breath,

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