Hatred developed

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This is a story about how Meg and Milo became enemies, (A trip to the past)

Milo POV-----

It was sometime in December When I was in middle school. I used to be the most popular and smart before I gave up on that, well at least the smart part, or rather it was taken from me. I've always been popular mostly due to my money.

It was the month everything went downhill and Meg arrived. My dad was so obsessed with me being at the top of everything, so he would push and push and push. Even when I couldn't take it. Staying up late and fighting the urge to sleep the next day, but when Meg arrived It seemed she was richer and smarter than me. And that set flame to a fire that was already burning hot.

Her grade scores were higher and she became more popular than me. When my dad heard about her, he did everything to make sure she was gone and that I hated her, I couldn't talk to her or even hang out with people she associated with, which ultimately led me to be friendless since everyone liked "Meg". And then he snapped: he would hit me and down-talk me and the more he did that the more my hatred towards him directed toward her. I would start to fail more and more and direct all my attention to her.

I teased and bullied her forever, and every day I hoped she would never ask "Why?" because I knew I wouldn't have an answer, It went on for so long that I didn't even know why anymore  I just knew I hated this girl and the flame finally erupted when my mom got cancer and my dad went bankrupt one day from someone exposing him for fraud which I knew nothing about. He lost all his clientele and money, so we couldn't pay for my mother's surgery and she died. I later found out it was Meg's dad who exposed my father and then I blamed her for my mother's death.

My dad became more abusive and just didn't feel like being around me anymore, but once the media found out my mother died from cancer due to our downfall everyone switched up, and my dad gained more fame. More fame over my mother's death. People started turning against Meg's dad and started observing him closer, it was even rumored he was allied with the humans. And then one day he just disappeared. And my dad eventually became rich again still battling neck and neck with Meg's family.

Which only created more and more rivalry and so I blamed Meg for every single bad thing that happened In my life. If she hadn't come in the first place my dad would've loved me, he wouldn't have pushed me so hard, he would've had enough money to pay for mom's surgery, my mom wouldn't be dead....

Soon Meg started to take up for herself and not let me tease her like that and that's when it went from the predator picking on the prey to the prey fighting the predator and I hated that she was so strong and resilient, but deep down I tried to fight that feeling. I knew my life wasn't her fault but that was locked away so far that I didn't pay it much attention.

Back to the future---Next chapter.

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