The Breaking Plan

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After arriving at the camp everyone started to go to their cabins there were 6 a cabin since there were so many students. I got bunked with 5 girls, 2 twins' named Terra and Tiara, and some others. The twins' style was so different though, I could tell they were both troublemakers, but one was more girly and one was more tomboyish.

"Hii, hey." Both the twins said, 

"Oh, hey," I said, packing my last little bit of clothes into a dresser.

"We heard you didn't have any friends," Tiara said,

"Yea we heard that or whatever," Terra added on,

"Oh I have friends it's just they aren't her-" I tried to explain,

"Look do you want to be our friend or not," Terra said, coldly.

Could she be more expressionless,

"Don't be rude Terra! Anyways we'd like to hang out with you, I don't know something about you gives off a mixer of us." Tiara said,

She wasn't wrong I liked to wear baggy clothes but also be girly sometimes, and right now my hair and face were glammed but I was wearing some baggy jeans and a hoodie. As I'd changed out of my skirt and shirt. And since I didn't have friends at the moment I agreed.

"Yeah," I said. They both smiled and walked off,

It was weirdly satisfying how they were so different with their vibes and everything but so synchronized. I took out some clothes to take a shower since it was the morning. And headed out the door. When I headed toward the bathroom the girls and boys were next to each other and some boys were there. I was to the door and when I looked up there was my ex, Phineas,

"Meglooo long time no see," he said,

"Since you stole my mother's money or played with my feelings." I snapped back,

"Oh come on, it's not my fault you fell for my charm I mean you basically put the money into my bank account by letting me in your house," he said smirking,

"Oh fuck you," I said,

"You're gonna let the bitch speak to you like that?" Milo came from behind him with a vape. I looked at him angrily,

"You know what, I should've fucked you when I had the chance. Maybe your mouth would've been filled with something other than the words you're using." Phineas said,

His friends laughed,

"Maybe then you'd get some pussy and stop being one," I said, pushing past him. Going into the bathroom. I went into one of the stalls and turned on the shower. After my shower I got out and grabbed my towel, I wiped my face off and reached for my clothes, but they weren't there. fuck. I'm gonna kill Phineas. I put on my bra and underwear then I wrapped the towel on my bottom half and walked out of the bathroom. Milo and Phineas were on their cabins' porches staring and laughing. I rolled my eyes,

I then got to my cabin and threw on some swears and a shirt. Before storming back out, Milo and Phineas weren't on the porch anymore, instead, they were in their cabin. I stomped up the stairs and into the cabin slamming the door behind me. When I got inside the cabin I went straight to Phineas.

"Woah come on, what's your temper tantrum for?" Phineas said with a smirk sitting on his bed,

"Are you out of your fucking mind!" I yelled,

"Come on it was funny." Phineas laughed,

"You're a fucking prick," I said,

"Plus it isn't me who took your clothes anyways." He said, I turned around and look around.

That's when I saw Milo smirking twirling around my shirt that I had laid out. I walked over to him snatching my shirt out of his hands.

"You're sick you know that," I said he scoffed,

"Oh, come on it's not like he hasn't seen anything before." A boy said,

"What are you talking about," I said confused still squeezing my shirt.

"Milo told us about your little uh uh on the plane," Phineas said, motioning his hands towards his mouth and poking his cheek with his gum.

They all laughed, and I turned to Milo.

"You told them I gave you a blow job," I said angrily. Milo just smiled,

"What else were you doing on my side of the plane at night," he smirked,

"Tell them the truth," I said, pointing my finger at all the boys,

"That's the truth you blew me and you can't admit it," he said,

"Tell them," I said demanding,

"Make me," he said coming close, I stared into his eye and smiled.

"What the hell are you smiling abou-" I slapped him across the face.

"Fuck!" He yelled holding his face.

He shoved me into the wall cornering me, everyone started staring. He slammed his hand next to my head. We still locked eyes.

"What are you gonna do now," I said irritated. He got pissed but calmed himself down again, leaning in close to my ear.

"You don't want to start with me Meg I'll ruin you." He whispered into my ear with a smirk, I rolled my eyes.

"Ruin me," I said snarlingly, I pushed the shirt into his chest and walked out.

--------MILO POV--------

She pushed the shirt into my chest and stormed out. "humiliation." I thought.

"Dam man we were getting off on that." A boy said,

"What are you a pussy?" Another said,

"Yeah, and you lied dude and she made you admit it," Phineas said,

"Dam Milo your her bitch." Olin laughed.

 All the words swarmed my head. She humiliated me. What a bitch, trying to ruin my reputation. I'll ruin her, then I'll make her suffer, I'll break her. I thought before storming out of the cabin; slamming the door.

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