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The next morning I got up and decided to shower, to take a morning jog. I got up from my bed and headed to my dresser grabbing some shorts and a hoodie. Then I walked out of my cabin. Terra and Tiara were sitting on the porch talking and sunbathing.

"Hey hottie," Terra said, then Tiara hit her shoulder,

"Stop flirting with our friends Terra," Tiara said laying back down to sunbathe, I smiled.

"Hi Terra," I replied, and she smiled.

I continued walking towards the trail. When I got to it I added little flags to find my way back and continued on the trail. About 14 minutes later I stopped to drink some water when I heard a noise behind me, I thought it might've been a squirrel so I ignored it and kept running, and about halfway through I heard more noises.

I started speeding up my jogging and then I heard something get faster. I knew something was following me, I started running and something ran behind me but it was fast and it grabbed me I  started screaming.

"God shut up," A boy held my mouth, I turned to look at him and it was Milo

"What the hell are you doing," I said furiously

"Breaking you," He whispered, he pinned my body to the ground,

"What are you gonna do to me.?" I whispered kinda scared

"I'm gonna make you submit to me," he smirked,

His fangs came out, and then he bit my neck. And took some blood. My eyes started igniting. pain... Fuck.  He came back to my face and saw my eyes,

"Wait why are you not wolfing out from the bite?" He asked, I didn't say anything I just turned my face in embarrassment.

"Werewolves wolf out of of instinct" He slurred turning his head

"You're a human?" He said,

He got off and smiled. 

"A human, all the things I could do to you. I could turn you, do you know how much danger you'd be in if everyone found out?" He smirked,

"Fuck," I thought.

"Don't tell anyone.." I said turning my head

"I won't you just have to do something for me." He smiled, I churned,

"What?" I muttered,

"You're gonna have to do everything I say." He stood up,

"No, I don't trust you," I replied,

"Do you know what happened to the last human?" He suggested, I hesitated

"Fine," I said getting up,

"Now keep up." He yelled, running really fast.

What have I gotten myself into, I said holding my head and starting to run. Back at camp Milo wasn't outside with everyone, so I guessed he was in his cabin. I went towards the cabin; going inside. Milo was sitting on the bed.

"Took you long enough." He uttered

"I still hate you, this is just until camp is over," I said,

"First I want you to tell me how a human got to this part of town and has been here for so long noticed," he said, I rolled my eyes

"Technically I'm a mixed breed I just never got my dad's genes, and that means I can't go to the human part only my mom can," I replied, crossing my arms.

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