Chapter 4: First Day Alone With Him

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Cause we breakdown a little but when you get me alone, it's so simple" -Taylor Swift

Claire's POV":

Btw I was going to alternate the POV but I'm doing this for the quality of the story.

I wake up in the bedroom. The clouds are gray again outside and it matches my mood perfectly. I consider staying in my room all day until the Sutherlands get home from their work but push the idea aside. I am hungry and I am going to need to eat soon. I get out of bed and put on socks so my feet don't get cold. I still haven't unpacked but I can't bring myself to do it now. I creak open the door and hear something downstairs. It's the sound of typing. I go down the first flight of stairs to the main hall, Then I walk down the hall to the other stairs when I hear a laptop shut closed. I came down to see Owen sitting at the table.

"You're up" He states. "Yes, I am" I shoot back. Then I asked him "What were you doing on the laptop". He looked worried. "Uhh nothing what laptop?" I stared at him. "I heard you on it Genius". He looks more calm and then says"Instinctive. I come from a nosy family I guess". Then he takes it back out and I can tell he is switching tabs. I go over to the large pantry to find something to eat. I see that there are a few needs in the pantry but no snacks or cookies or anything like that. Then I see four plastic tubs filled with all kinds of good stuff. They all have the name of the owner written on it. They say "Mom, Dad, Jeremiah, and Eva. The other food seems tasteless like plain oatmeal or honey free cheerios. I look at each snack box and open Jeremiah's. Inside are fruit snacks, cookies, and granola bars with chocolate chips. I grab the granola bar and then try to put the box in exactly the same spot. I start to head back to my room.

"What are you doing," Owen says startling me. "Stealing from Jeremiah," I say flatly. "Why do you try so hard to put the box back in the same place". I snicker. "So he doesn't notice". Then Owen says "They don't care or notice those things like my family. Plus They are Amity so they won't care". I paused then responded with "I thought you had a nosy family" Owen stared blankly. "Are you lying so you can say whatever is convenient for you". Then I ran up the stairs.

I sat on the edge of my bed while eating the granola bar. I finished and threw it away in the trash. Then I realized I had nothing to do. I browse the attic bedroom looking at every picture on the wall and every item on the dressers. I see a photo of two little kids. I realize they are Jeremy and Eva. They look so sweet. Then I lay on the bed thinking about what to do next. I sit there thinking about everything. I had forgotten about James. I miss him. Grief waved over me.

I sit up and decide that I should explore the house. I go down the stairs to the second floor. I still hear Owen typing downstairs but this time it doesn't stop. I think about going to the Sutherlands bedrooms but stop. They have been nothing but kind to me. I almost go upstairs but curiosity takes over. I first went to Eva's room. Her room was bright and clean. I was looking at her giant stuffed animal collection when I saw a diary. I knew it was a diary because it was set on the cover with bright letters. I opened the journal. At first, it was boring talking about what she had for lunch and stuff. I start to flip through pages when I see the word Jeremiah. I read the sentence before to see what it was about. It says:

Aghhhh Dumb Jeremiah the favorite. He won the family game of mini golf and wouldn't stop smiling at me about it. Of course, he is never doing anything wrong. It is always me. I hate how he silently mocks me so I cannot complain. He even said I am too old to sleep with 32 stuffed animals like what does he know?

I can't help but giggle. Then I feel sympathetic for Jeremy. I went into his room next. His room has some red, but it is a lot darker and more organized than Eva's. I cannot find any Diary like Eva had. I see a corkboard with papers on it. I take a closer look and see they are drawings, but not any drawings. They are really good and realistic. Then I see myself. He drew me. I blushed. Knowing that changed my perspective on him. I want to keep looking when I see someone walking up to the house. I panic and run out and close the door. Then I hear the front door unlocking. 

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