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Kate is trying to stay awake while Tim is doing paperwork

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Kate is trying to stay awake while Tim is doing paperwork.

"You didn't nap, did you?"

"I didn't have time."

"No excuse, Boot. Napping is the key to midnight shift. No shorter than 20 minutes. No longer than 40. But, hey, if you're comfortable ignoring my institutional wisdom"

"I'm getting evicted." She hasn't told Tim, as she didn't want him thinking it was a sign to move in together.

"And whose fault is that?"

"Not mine. They're turning the building into condos."

"That's what happens when you gentrify a working-class neighborhood."

Something catches Kate's eye out in the street.

"What the hell is that?"

It's a tall person with some kind of gas mask on.

"What?" Bradford asks.


She gestures out the window, but when Tim looks up, the street is empty.

"There was a guy standing there with a mask on. He was like seven feet tall."


"I saw him. He was right there."

"Boot, if you make me get out of this car for a hallucination"

They get out and walk toward the spot where Kate saw the apparition, but there's no sign of it.

"What - God, he was right here."

"Make-believe time is over."

He goes back to the car. Kate moves forward and spots someone standing amid the trees off the side of the road.

"Stop! Police!" She's moving into the woods "Tim?" She begins approaching the suspect. "Step out. Step out! Hands where I can see them. Peel the mask off slowly. Slowly."

The figure reaches up to pull the mask off, revealing not a face, but a bright white light pouring out from under the mask. She hears maniacal laughter, then -

She wakes up. She's sitting in the patrol car with several other patrol units shining their headlights on her and a fellow officer on a loudspeaker.

"Welcome to midnight, Officer Owens."

"Oh, my God." As Tim leans in to take a photo "No. No." she shoves him away as she sinks down in embarrassment.


Nolan and Lucy encounter Kate as she comes in for her shift.

"Hey. Happy to be back on days?"

"God, yes. I don't know if you heard, but it was"

Inevitable | T. BradfordWhere stories live. Discover now