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The four rookies are celebrating their last month before their anticipated promotion with two other rookies from the academy

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The four rookies are celebrating their last month before their anticipated promotion with two other rookies from the academy. Nolan, Jackson, Kate and Lucy are regaling their friends with tales from the events of the prisoner escape.

"Swear to God, now he has this woman tied up, his own aunt. He has a shotgun rigged with duct tape and a string so he can shoot her from the fireplace." Nolan says.

"Yeah, while Kate's across town going toe-to-toe with the 5-4."

"Yeah, thirty gang members against me and my T.O." She says with an eye roll.

"Oh, my God, that's hardcore." Erin says

"No joke, my T.O. goes, "When you're in the LAPD"..."

"You're never alone." All four say together.

"And right on cue, an airship arrives with a SWAT team." Lucy tells them

"Damn, there's me thinking discharging my weapon this year was a big deal." Rios says

"Aw, don't beat yourself up, Chris. I'm sure someday you'll catch up." Jackson jokes.

"Oh, it's like that?"

"Oh, yeah. It's like that."

"Come on, you guys. We're not in the Academy anymore. We don't have to be competitive about everything." Lucy says.

"Well, it's not a competition when I always win."

"Against Rios. Sure. Against me? No." Kate says with a laugh.

"Ooh, that's a deep cut! But she does have a point." Nolan says

"That's it, West." Rios says


"You and me, right now -- We're gonna settle this thing once and for all."


Rios and Jackson get into a game of beer pong.

"Drink up. Drink up." The crowd cheers.

"I can't believe they still can't let go of their rivalry." Lucy says

"Can't you? They were second and third at the Academy. Their dads were first and second. You came in and stole first from them, Kate. They're overcompensating."

Erin walks by, accidentally bumping into Nolan and Lucy.

"Oh! Sorry! Sorry!"

"Oh, ho, ho! You okay?"

"Yep. Nope."

"I was just gonna get some air. How about you join me?"


Kate's phone beeps with a text.

'Still out at the bar?' Tim asks

'Not that it's any of your business anymore, but yes.'

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